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10 Epic Facts You Likely Didn’t Know About These Popular Animals

A Southern Sea Otter (Enhydra lutris nereis) cradles her pup while swimming on her back - Monterey Peninsula, California. Image by gonepaddling via Depositphotos

Earth is home to many mysterious and amazing animals. In fact, sometimes these creatures can seem downright otherworldly. However, even some well-known animals have quirks you may not know about. Let’s take a look at some animal facts that may surprise and shock you!

Fun Fact 1: Octopuses Have Three Hearts

octopus punching fish
Octopus in the water. Image by TheSP4N1SH via Depositphotos.

Octopuses are fascinating creatures with three hearts. Two of these hearts pump blood to the gills, while the third sends it to the rest of the body. Interestingly, the heart that pumps blood to the body stops beating when the octopus swims!

Fun Fact 2: Dolphins Have Names

Dolphin saves dog
Dolphin smiles in the water. Photo by Fabrizio Fribeni via Unsplash.

Dolphins are very social animals, and they use unique whistles to identify each other. This is similar to how humans use names. Each dolphin has its own “signature whistle,” which it responds to, even in a large group.

Fun Fact 3: Cows Have Best Friends

Two cows standing side by side. Image by RosZie via Pixabay.

Cows form strong social bonds with other cows and have best friends. In fact, when they are separated from their friends, they show signs of stress and discomfort. This friendship helps reduce their anxiety and keeps them happier.

Fun Fact 4: Koalas Have Unique Fingerprints

Koala bear sleeping on a tree.
Koala bear sleeping on a tree. Image by moisseyev via Depositphotos.

Koalas have fingerprints that are so similar to humans that even experts find it hard to tell them apart. These unique prints help koalas grasp leaves and tree branches. Perhaps surprisingly, it’s a rare feature among non-human animals.

Fun Fact 5: Elephants Use Sand as Sunscreen

African Elephant
African Elephant. Image by Utopia_88 via Depositphotos.

Elephants have sensitive skin, so they use sand as a natural sunscreen. They throw it over their backs to protect themselves from the sun’s harsh rays. This clever use of their environment keeps them cool and safe.

Fun Fact 6: Squirrels Plant Thousands of Trees

Eastern grey squirrel
An Eastern Grey Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) in St James’s Park, London, England. Image by Diliff, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

Squirrels play an essential role in forest regeneration. They bury nuts and seeds to store for later, but often forget where they’ve hidden them. These forgotten seeds then grow into new trees, benefiting the ecosystem. I wonder how many trees we see daily thanks to the squirrels!

Fun Fact 7: Sea Otters Hold Hands While Sleeping

Sea Otter (Enhydra lutris) Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.
Sea Otter (Enhydra lutris) Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Image by FrankFF via Depositphotos.

Sea otters often hold hands while they sleep to avoid drifting apart in the water. This behavior is known as “rafting” and helps keep them together. It’s a sweet (and thoroughly adorable) way for them to stay safe and connected.

Fun Fact 8: Flamingos Eat Upside Down

Chilean flamingos.
Chilean flamingos. Image by jamcgraw via Depositphotos.

Flamingos have a unique way of eating—they eat upside down! They use their beaks to filter food from the water while their head is upside down. What’s more, this special adaptation helps them feed efficiently in their watery habitats.

Fun Fact 9: Crows Can Hold Grudges

Crow perched on a branch. Image by EBFoto via Depositphotos.

Crows are incredibly intelligent and can remember faces. Additionally, they have even been known to hold grudges against people who have mistreated them! These birds can even pass on their dislike to other crows, showing their social intelligence. You do not want to get on a crow’s bad side!

Fun Fact 10: Pigeons Can Recognize Themselves in Mirrors

Grey pigeon on the ground.
Grey pigeon on the ground. Image by Argument via Depositphotos.

Pigeons are one of the few animals that can recognize themselves in a mirror. This self-awareness is a sign of high cognitive ability. Also, it shows that pigeons have a better understanding of themselves than many people realize! They are not dull birds, that’s for sure.


Red squirrel
Red squirrel on tree. Image by seawhisper via Depositphotos.

Earth is full of amazing creatures that hide interesting facts you wouldn’t notice at first. That’s one of the reasons why it’s so important to educate ourselves on these animals we share our homes with and work to protect them. Which of these animals covered today surprised you the most? Let us know in the comments!