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17 Rare Sharks Some of Which You Might Not Have Heard of Before

Rare sharks

Sharks!! While some of us fear them, for others, they can be nightmares. Sharks might have a bad rep because of significant white attacks, but several rare sharks live in the depths of the oceans that aren’t as aggressive as you think. Many of them look bizarre, of course, and could quickly freeze you in fear. Most of these mentioned here are highly endangered species that need awareness, protection, and conservation. Check out this picture gallery of 17 rare shark breeds you might not have heard of.

#1. Goblin Shark

Goblin Shark
Screenshot from The Goblin Shark | What the Shark. Source: YouTube, Upload: National Geographic

#2. Basking Sharks

Basking Shark
Screenshot from Breaching Basking Sharks | World’s Weirdest. Source: YouTube, Upload: National Geographic

#3. Horn Shark

Horn Shark
A Horn Shark: Image by White_Knight via Depositphotos

#4. Whale Sharks

Whale shark
Whale Shark. Image by Criso via Depositphotos

#5. Greenland Sharks

Greenland shark
Screenshot from 512-Year-Old Greenland Shark – Oldest Living Shark. Source: YouTube, Upload: Wonder World

#6. Saw Shark

Saw shark
Saw shark. Image by Inguarible via Depositphotos

#7. Frilled Shark

Frilled shark
Screenshot from Frilled Shark | Living Fossil. Source: YouTube, Upload: Extraordinary Everything
Cookiecutter shark
Screenshot from Cookiecutter shark. Source: YouTube, Upload: Daily Planet

#9. Wobbegong

Wobbegong; Image by Andaman via Depositphotos

#10. Angel Shark

Angel shark
Angel shark: Image by Aquanut via Depsoitphotos

#11. Nurse Sharks

Nurse shark
Nurse shark. Image by Izanbar via Depositphotos

#12. Megamouth Shark

Megamouth shark
Screenshot from Facts: The megamouth shark. Source: YouTube, Upload Deep Marine Scenes

#13 Oceanic Whitetip Shark

Oceanic whitetip shark
Oceanic whitetip shark. Image by Ekrem via Depositphotos

#14 Zebra Shark

Zebra shark
Zebra shark. Image by Genius Lady via Depositphotos

#15 Ghost Shark

Ghost shark
Screenshot from the mysterious ghost shark. Source: YouTube, Upload Natural World Facts

#16 Bluntnose Sixgill Shark

The Bluntnose Sixgill Shark
Screenshot from Facts: The Bluntnose Sixgill Shark. Source: YouTube, Upload: Deep Marine Scenes

#17 Thresher Shark

Thresher shark
Thresher shark. Image by Bearacreative via Depositphotos

Next on Animals Around the Globe

The story of Elsa. Source: YouTube, Channel: Australian Reptile Park

We hope you liked this gallery. What other sharks do you know of that are rare or endangered? We’d love to know. Meanwhile, why not read these other amazing stories.

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