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Do You Have Venomous Snakes in Your Yard? Here’s How To Find Out!

garter snake
California Red-Sided Garter. By Jaden Clark - Own work, CC BY 4.0, Wikimedia Commons

Have children, pets or just care for yourself? This guide will help you find the signs for venomous snakes in your yard. More than 30 venomous snake species are native to the US – lets learn how to protect against them.

#1 Sighting of Shed Skin

eastern brown snake
Australian highly venomous Eastern Brown Snake. Image via Depositphotos

Snakes shed their skin periodically, so finding shed skin in your yard could indicate a snake’s presence. This could warn you of their presence before you even spot them.

#2 Snake Tracks

Western Diamondback Rattlesnake. Image by Peter Paplanus via Flickr

Trails or slither marks in sandy or dusty areas of your yard. Watch out for those! Especially in summer times.

#3 Hissing Sounds

Spitting Cobra
Mozambique spitting cobra. image Via Depositphotos.

You probably now that from the movies. Some venomous snakes emit a hissing sound as a warning when threatened. Luckily the U.S. are not home to most type of cobras, but plenty Rattlesnakes.

#4 Sudden Movement in Grass

Gaboon viper
Gaboon viper. Image by lifeonwhite via Depositphotos

Quick, rustling movements in grassy areas can signal a snake’s presence. Even before you can see it.

#5 Holes in the Ground

rattlesnake round-up
Image by Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals / Naturepl

Small holes in the yard might be entrances to snake burrows.

#6 Snake Sighting

California Red-Sided Garter. By Jaden Clark – Own work, CC BY 4.0,

The most obvious sign is seeing a snake itself, particularly near sheltered areas or sunning on warm surfaces.

#7 Presence of Prey

A live wild gray mouse sits on a human hand. Image via Depositphotos.

An abundance of rodents, frogs, or insects can attract snakes to your yard.

#8 Birds and Pets Acting Disturbed

Ravens are highly intelligent birds, Image by Kasturi Roy via Unsplash

Domestic animals or wildlife appearing agitated or focused on a specific area might indicate a snake nearby.

#9 Night Noises

street lamp
Insects flying around a street lamp at night. Image via Depositphotos

Snakes can be active at night, especially in warm weather, and any rustling or slithering sounds could be due to their movement.

#10 Distinctive Odor

Eastern diamond back rattlesnake is the most venomous snake in the US. Image via Depositphotos

Some snakes emit a musky scent, especially when threatened, which can be a sign of their presence.

#11 Egg Shells

animals that lay eggs
Image via Unsplash

Finding cracked or hatched egg shells, especially from birds or reptiles, could indicate snake activity.

#12 Unusual Pet Behavior

Grey cat licking its paw. Image by Eric Han on Unsplash

Pets might act unusually curious, scared, or aggressive if they detect a snake in the area.

#13 Finding Feces

Rattlesnake. By Tigerhawkvok (talk · contribs) – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Snake feces are distinctive, often containing fur or feathers. Finding these in your yard could indicate snakes.

#14 Cool, Damp Areas

Kingsnakes. Image by Thomas Evans via Unsplash

Discovering snakes in cool, shaded, or damp areas of the yard, especially during hot days.

#15 Near Water Sources

Image by Markus Winkler via Pexels

If you have water features, ponds, or pools, snakes might be attracted to these areas for hydration or to hunt for prey.

#16 Under Debris

Eastern Brown Snake Pseudonaja textilis Australia. Image via Depositphotos

Finding snakes under logs, rocks, or debris where they might seek shelter or hunt for prey.

#17 Flattened Plants

Puff Adder
Puff Adder Image via Depositphotos.

Plants or grass that appears flattened in a trail-like pattern might indicate snake activity.

#18 Checking Warm Areas

The Spider-Tailed Horned Viper Snake Bite
African saharan horned viper in the sand. Image via Depositphotos

Snakes often sun themselves on warm surfaces like rocks, pavement, or open areas to regulate their body temperature.

#19 Increased Bird Activity

Eastern Bluebirds
Eastern Bluebirds. Image via Unsplash

Birds, especially species that prey on snakes, showing increased activity or alarm calls in your yard might signal a snake’s presence.

#20 Sounds from Tall Grass

fer de lance
The Fer de lance is one of the largest and deadlyest snakes in Central America. Via Depositphotos.

Hearing rustles or movement in tall grass areas can be a sign of snake presence.

#21 Disturbed Nesting Areas

stork nest
Image by Jeremy Wermeille via Unsplash

If you notice that areas where birds, rodents, or insects had nests appear disturbed or destroyed, it could indicate snake activity. Venomous snakes may prey on eggs and young animals, leading to such disturbances.

Final Thoughts

Milk Snake
Milk Snake. Image via Depositphotos

If you suspect the presence of venomous snakes in your yard, exercise caution and consider contacting a professional wildlife removal service or your local wildlife conservation agency for safe removal and advice on preventing future encounters.

Do not attempt to handle or kill the snake, as this can increase the risk of being bitten.

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