The US has many incredible National Parks filled with nature’s beauty and amazing animals! Let’s have a look at some spectacular animals that call these US National Parks home.
1. American Bison

The American Bison is the largest land mammal found in North America. These impressive creatures have been a significant part of American history and culture for many years!
2. Grizzly Bears

Grizzly Bears are powerful predators – huge, strong, and hungry!
3. Gray Wolf

The magnificent Gray Wolf is an apex predator that plays an important role in the ecosystem. These beautiful creatures have been reintroduced into the Yellowstone National Park where they thrive today.
4. Bald Eagle

The Bald Eagle hardly needs an introduction! They are both the national animal and symbol of the US and can be identified by their white heads and tails.
5. California Condor

The California Condor can be seen in the Grand Canyon National Park. These birds are the largest flying birds in North America and are unfortunately listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN Red List.
6. Mountain Lion

The Moutain Lion goes by many names, including Puma and Cougar. These beautiful big cats are elusive and have the strength to drag prey twice their size!
7. American Alligator

The American Alligator is a key species in freshwater ecosystems. These large reptilian predators grow to over 12 feet in length.
8. Manatee

Manatees are also called sea cows. These gentle marine mammals eat mostly a herbivorous diet and can hold their breath for 20 minutes!
9. Peregrine Falcon

The soaring Peregrine Falcon is the fastest bird in the world! They can fly at speeds of 240 mph, while making it look easy!
10. Elk

Elk are the largest deer species found in the USA. And even though they weigh about 700 pounds they can still run at speeds of 40 mph!
11. Sea Otter

Sea Otters are known for their playful nature. These marine animals eat 25% of their body weight in food each day!
12. North American River Otter

The North American River Otter is a playful and social species. These marine mammals can be seen in the Yellowstone National Park.
13. Red Fox

The cunning Red Fox is a highly adaptable and widespread animal. With their incredible hearing, these animals can hear rodents digging miles away! A clever animal found in the US National Parks.
14. Great Blue Heron

The tall and majestic Great Blue Heron is often seen elegantly hunting in shallow waters. These birds have a blue-grey plumage that they often comb with their claws.
15. Black Bear

The medium-sized Black Bear is often seen looking for food to feed them. They are versatile omnivores and their diet varies greatly from season to season and location to location.
16. Bighorn Sheep

Bighorn sheep are recognized by their large and curved horns. These sheep show incredible agility by easily maneuvering the rocky and mountainous terrains they live in.
17. American Beaver

The American Beaver is known as nature’s engineer! These animals easily build solid dams and lodges, which greatly contribute to the ecosystems in the waters.
18. Pronghorn

The Pronghorn is the fastest land mammal in the USA, reaching up to 55mph!
19. Roosevelt Elk

Roosevelt Elk is the largest of the four elk subspecies in the US. And the largest herd of this species can be found in the Olympic National Park.
20. Moose

Moose are known for their large antlers. But they are also the largest, heaviest, and tallest deer species in the world!
21. Loggerhead Sea Turtle

Loggerhead Sea Turtles are large sea animals known for their impressive long-distance migrations. Making them an impressive addition to our list of animals in US National Parks.
22. American Black Vulture

The large American Black Vulture is a successful scavenger with extremely strong acids in their stomachs to help decompose rotten flesh.
23. Wolverine

No, not that Wolverine! These muscular and carnivorous mammals are fierce predators and are the largest weasels on the planet! A very cool addition to our list of animals in US National Parks.
24. Northern Elephant Seal

The large Northern Elephant Seal male uses his large proboscis to produce loud sounds to attract a mate during the breeding season.
25. Spotted Owl

The Spotted Owl feeds on small mammals and birds. This true owl species nest in tree hallows between 40 and 200 feet high!
Last Say On Animals In US National Parks

From the infamous Bison to the Moose and every animal in between, this list is filled with spectacular animals! Let us know in the comments which is your favorite – we would love to know.
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