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Top 4 Colors That Attract Sharks

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Do you want to swim safely in the ocean, completely undetected by sharks? Well, let’s discover what colors sharks are attracted to and why!

Why Sharks Are Attracted to Certain Colors

color spectrum underwater
Approximation of how deep certain colors of light penetrate underwater. Tomemorris, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Sharks are attracted to certain colors due to their unique visual perception and hunting strategies. Their eyes are adapted to detect contrast and motion, which play crucial roles in their ability to locate prey in diverse marine environments. Here’s why specific colors can attract sharks:

High Contrast

soupfin shark
A female school shark (Galeorhinus galeus) photographed using a Baited Remote Underwater. Image by AshlieJMcivor, CC BY-SA 4.0., via Wikimedia Commons

Sharks have excellent contrast sensitivity, meaning they can easily detect objects that stand out against the background of the water. Colors like yellow, white, and black create strong contrasts, making them more noticeable to sharks.

Light Reflectivity

Great white shark
Great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) at Isla Guadalupe, Mexico. Image via Terry Goss, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Colors that reflect a lot of light, such as silver and white, mimic the appearance of fish scales glinting in the water. This can attract sharks as it resembles the natural appearance of their prey.

Environmental Adaptation

Horn shark off Santa Catalina, California
Horn shark (Heterodontus francisci) off Santa Catalina, California. By Ed Bierman from CA, USA – Horn Shark, CC BY 2.0,

Sharks’ vision is adapted to the ocean’s lighting conditions. In murky or dim water, bright and reflective colors are more visible. This heightened visibility makes it easier for sharks to detect potential food sources.

Specific Colors and Their Effects

Whale Shark
Whale Shark (Rhincodon typus). Image by criso via Depositphotos

Now let’s look at what colors attract sharks:


Blacktip shark
Oceanic blacktip shark (Carcharhinus limbatus) and remora fish underwater in Natal, South Africa. Image by longjourneys via Depositphotos

Often referred to as “yum-yum yellow,” this color is highly visible underwater. Its brightness contrasts sharply with the blue and green hues of the ocean, making it an easy target for sharks’ keen eyesight.


bull shark
Bull Shark, also known as Zambezi shark (Carcharhinus leucas). Image by Andaman via Depositphotos

White objects create a stark contrast in the water, especially in darker or deeper environments. This contrast can attract sharks by standing out against the surrounding water.


Blacknose shark
Blacknose shark (Carcharhinus acronotus) swims across the coral reef in tropical waters. Image via Depositphotos

Shiny, reflective surfaces can attract sharks as they mimic the natural light reflections from fish scales. This glinting effect can draw sharks’ attention, as it suggests the presence of fish.


Shortfin mako sharks (Isurus oxyrinchus). Mark Conlin, SWFSC Large Pelagics Program, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Dark objects can also stand out, particularly against lighter backgrounds or in clear water. The strong contrast between black and other colors can make black objects more noticeable to sharks.

Less Attractive Colors

Tiger Shark (Galelcerdo cuvieri). Image by londondeposit via Depositphotos

Colors that blend in with the ocean environment, such as darker blues and greens, tend to be less attractive to sharks. These colors do not create as strong a contrast against the water, making them less noticeable to the sharks’ eyes.

Wrapping Up

Image by bluegroper via Pixabay

Understanding the visual perception of sharks helps explain why certain colors attract them more than others. When in shark-prone waters, it’s advisable to avoid wearing high-contrast or reflective colors to minimize the risk of attracting these predators.

Updated: 7 August 2024

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