This adorable baby elephant attempts to protect his mama from a safari vehicle in the Kruger National Park. Or actually, he seems to try to muster up the courage to do so but changes his mind – twice!
Game Drive

While on a game drive, a group of tourists were lucky enough to spot a mama elephant and her 2-month-old baby! And as one does while on safari, they stopped the vehicle and admired the two majestic elephants.

While the mama elephant seemed to be unphased by the crowd staring at them (she’s likely used to being admired), her baby seemed to feel differently.
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Go Time

As his mama carried on walking, the baby turned around to face the vehicle. After some consideration, he started charging at them, with adorable little steps and his trunk waving in all directions.
Not This Time

But alas, his bravery suddenly left him and he turned around to his mama again. Looks like the vehicle seemed a bit bigger than he thought as he approached it.
Change of Heart

You can basically see the wheels turning in this cute elephant’s brain because he had a sudden change of heart again and started charging toward the safari vehicle again! This time coming much closer during his attempted attack.

The baby elephant runs right up to the vehicle before swerving and heading back to his mama’s side. Leaving the tourists giggling at the adorable encounter they had!
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Protective Instincts

Elephants are known to care for each other, a lot! And that is evident in this baby who wants to protect his mama even though she was unphased by the safari vehicle. If there was a real danger though, the mama elephant would have rushed and placed herself between her young and the potential danger.
Baby Elephants

Baby elephants can weigh as much as 200 pounds at birth! And they are born with hair all over their bodies that falls away as they mature, which gives them an adorable messy look at times.
Elephant Pregnancy

An elephant mama is pregnant for around 22 months, which might explain why their babies are born at nearly 200 pounds!
Maternal Instincts

Once baby elephants are born they mature slowly and rely on their mother’s care and milk for as long as two years. Elephants also stay with their mother’s herd for 16 years, some even for their entire life.
Baby Elephant Care

Mama elephants are fiercely protective and nurturing of their young. They teach them everything they need to know to survive, from standing to swimming to finding their own food.
Empathic Giants

Elephants are seen as one of the world’s most empathetic species, which can be seen through their interactions. If an elephant in the herd is distressed, the others will comfort them by stroking them with their trunks. These majestic animals are also known to grieve the loss of a loved one.
The Video

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Brave Boy

The adorable elephant rushing toward the car trying to protect his mama from this thing he has never seen before is just too cute! And it shows us one of the many wholesome moments in nature!
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