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This Cuddly Alligator is a Licensed Emotional Support Pet

Wally The Alligator Just Wants To Cuddle With You, Image by iWonder via YouTube

Are you ready to meet Wally the Alligator – perhaps the most atypical emotional support pet?

When we think of emotional support animals, images of dogs, cats, or even birds might come to mind. But an alligator? That’s a new one.

The phrase “alligator emotional support pet” might sound bizarre to many, but for Henney and those who’ve met Wally, it’s a reality that has brought joy, education, and, most importantly, emotional solace.

What is a Licensed Emotional Support Pet?

Screenshot from “Wally, The Alligator Just Wants To Cuddle With You” Source: YouTube, Uploaded: iWonder

An Emotional Support Animal (ESA) is a type of assistance animal specifically designated to help individuals cope with mental or emotional disabilities.

Understanding Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) and Their Role

Screenshot from “Wally, The Alligator Just Wants To Cuddle With You” Source: YouTube, Uploaded: iWonder

Unlike service animals, which are trained to perform specific tasks, ESAs provide therapeutic benefits through companionship. They are prescribed by licensed mental health professionals as part of a treatment plan.

The prescription is given in the form of an official document called an ESA Letter, which confirms the individual’s need for the support animal.

The Unusual Emotional Support Pet: A Gator with a Heart of Gold

Screenshot from “Wally, The Alligator Just Wants To Cuddle With You” Source: YouTube, Uploaded: iWonder

The Video

Screenshot from “Wally, The Alligator Just Wants To Cuddle With You” Source: YouTube, Uploaded: iWonder
YouTube video
Wally The Alligator Just Wants To Cuddle With You, Source: YouTube, Uploaded: iWonder

Wally isn’t your typical alligator. Rescued from a pond in Disney World, he was taken in by Henney when relocating alligators in Florida was deemed illegal.

Now, Wally resides in Henney’s home, enjoying a diet of Cheetos and chicken legs.

But what’s truly remarkable about Wally isn’t his unconventional diet or his unique living situation. It’s his temperament.

Unlike other alligators, Wally doesn’t show any aggression. Henney even remarks that while most alligators would instinctively bite when their heads are touched, Wally simply refuses.

More Than Just a Pet

Screenshot from “Wally, The Alligator Just Wants To Cuddle With You” Source: YouTube, Uploaded: iWonder

The bond between Henney and Wally is extraordinary.

Describing Wally as his “emotional support alligator,” Henney opened up about facing deep depression after losing close ones. Wally especially comforted Henney following his cancer diagnosis.

During this challenging period, Wally’s behavior shifted. He became more affectionate, almost as if sensing Henney’s emotional turmoil.

Wally: More Than a Pet, a Jaw-Dropping Companion

Screenshot from “Wally, The Alligator Just Wants To Cuddle With You” Source: YouTube, Uploaded: iWonder

Henney recalls moments when he’d wake up from the couch with Wally’s jaw print on his face, indicating that the alligator had been resting there for a while.

Wally wasn’t just a pet; he was a companion providing emotional support in the truest sense.

Bear in mind that Wally is one of a kind.

Wally’s Adventures

Screenshot from “Wally, The Alligator Just Wants To Cuddle With You” Source: YouTube, Uploaded: iWonder

The alligator emotional support pet isn’t confined to the four walls of Henney’s home.

Wally has been on numerous adventures, from visiting doctor’s offices to being a ring bearer at a wedding. He’s even visited senior living facilities, where, despite initial apprehensions, he managed to win over residents.

Henney’s efforts to introduce Wally to various settings aim to educate people about alligators and break the stereotypes associated with these reptiles.

And it seems to be working – many who’ve interacted with Wally compare him to a cuddly dog.

A Symbol of Hope and Understanding

Screenshot from “Wally, The Alligator Just Wants To Cuddle With You” Source: YouTube, Uploaded: iWonder

Wally’s story is more than just an interesting anecdote about an alligator living in a house. It’s a testament to the incredible bonds that can form between humans and animals, even those we might initially fear or misunderstand.

Wally’s a living example that challenges our perceptions and encourages us to approach life with an open heart and mind.

The Alligator That Is an Emotional Support Pet: Wrapping Up

Screenshot from “Wally, The Alligator Just Wants To Cuddle With You” Source: YouTube, Uploaded: iWonder

The Video

Screenshot from “Wally, The Alligator Just Wants To Cuddle With You” Source: YouTube, Uploaded: iWonder

Watch the FULL video here “Meet Lolong The Largest Crocodile Ever”

YouTube video
Meet Lolong The Largest Crocodile Ever, Source: YouTube, Uploaded: Animals Around The Globe

In a world where the term “alligator emotional support pet” can exist and thrive, it’s clear that love, understanding, and compassion can be found in the most unexpected places.

And as Henney aptly puts it, while alligators “aren’t for everyone,” neither is being normal.

Sometimes, it’s the unconventional paths that lead us to the most profound discoveries about ourselves and the world around us.

Facts About Alligators: More Than Just Souvenirs

saltwater crocodile
Saltwater Crocodile (Crocodylus porosus). This is Maximo, a 15’+ crocodile at the St. Augustine Alligator Farm. Obtained from Molly Ebersold of the St. Augustine Alligator Farm, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Alligators might be common residents of swamps and waterways in the southern United States, but these prehistoric-looking reptiles hold some surprising secrets. Let’s explore some interesting facts about these toothy titans!

1. Toothy Grin: A Lifetime Supply of Chompers

Alligator. Image via Depositphotos.

Alligators are famous for their powerful jaws and rows of sharp teeth. But did you know they’re constantly replacing them? Throughout their lifespan, an alligator can go through up to 3,000 teeth! New teeth are always growing in the jawbone, ready to take the place of older, worn-out ones.

2. Surprising Speed: Land Sprinters and Water Rockets

Close up view of an alligator. Image via Depositphotos.

While alligators may look sluggish when sunbathing on the riverbank, they can be surprisingly quick when needed. In short bursts on land, they can reach speeds of up to 35 miles per hour – faster than most humans! In the water, their powerful tails propel them forward at impressive speeds too, making them effective ambush predators.

3. Maternal Masters: Caring for the Next Generation

An large alligator look up the see if there are any food ready, with the sharp teeth via DepostiPhotos
An large alligator look up the see if there are any food ready, with the sharp teeth via Depositphotos

Unlike their cold-blooded reputation, female alligators are surprisingly devoted mothers. They build elaborate nests of vegetation and mud for their eggs and fiercely guard them from predators like raccoons and even other alligators. After hatching, the young stay with their mother for up to two years, learning vital survival skills before venturing out on their own.

4. Ancient Ancestry: Living Fossils of the Past

An large alligator look up the see if there are any food ready, with the sharp teeth via DepostiPhotos
An large alligator look up the see if there are any food ready, with the sharp teeth. Image via Depostiphotos

Alligators have been around for millions of years, with fossils dating back to the age of dinosaurs! Their resemblance to these prehistoric giants isn’t just a coincidence. Alligators are considered living fossils, meaning they haven’t changed much in their overall form and function over a vast period of time.

5. Seeing in the Dark: Masters of Night Vision

Young alligator. Image via Depositphotos.

Alligators are most active at night, when the water is cooler and prey is easier to find. To navigate their dark environment, they have a special adaptation called a tapetum lucidum, a reflective layer in their eyes that enhances their night vision. This allows them to see even in low light conditions, giving them an edge over their nocturnal prey.

Thank you for reading this article about the alligator that is an emotional support pet!