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Animals That Start With W

This Walrus Odobenus rosmarus rests together in a pack with others on the beach of the Wahlberg island, Svalbard. Image via AWeith, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Discover Animals Beginning with W. Explore our comprehensive list of animals starting with the letter W, complete with intriguing facts about each one.

This list takes us through an exciting world of animals that start with the letter W. So sit back, and enjoy!

Overview of animals that start with W

1. Whale Shark

whale shark
With over 3,000 tiny teeth, whale sharks possess an impressive dental array, though they primarily feed by filtering plankton and small fish from the water. Image by Gerald Schömbs via Unsplash.
Scientific NameRhincodon typus
Where it LivesTropical and warm temperate seas worldwide
What it EatsPlankton, small fish, and occasionally squid or crab
Conservation StatusEndangered

Fun Fact: Whale sharks are so huge that they can grow up to 40 feet in length.

Whale sharks, the largest fish in the world, are gentle giants known for their filter-feeding habits. Despite their immense size, they pose no danger to humans. Their diet mainly comprises plankton, small fish, and occasionally squid or crab. These magnificent creatures are prevalent in warm waters and open oceans around the globe, enchanting marine enthusiasts and scientists alike with their awe-inspiring presence.

2. Walrus

Large walrus on the ice – Odobenus rosmarus divergens. Image via Captain Budd Christman, NOAA Corps, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Scientific NameOdobenus rosmarus
Where it LivesArctic regions, primarily around ice floes
What it EatsBenthic invertebrates, such as clams, mussels, and worms
Conservation StatusVulnerable

Fun Fact:  Walruses have up to 250 whiskers on their face.

Walruses are characterized by dense fur, a set of tusks, and whiskers, along with flippers for swimming. Inhabiting the Arctic Circle, they are commonly seen on oceanic ice floes.

Male walruses, larger than their female counterparts, play a protective role for their families, guarding against predators and ensuring their well-being.

3. Weasel

Long-tailed Weasel. Image By via Depositphotos
Scientific NameMustela spp.
Where it LivesFound on every continent except Antarctica, often in grasslands, forests, and tundra regions
What it EatsSmall mammals, birds, eggs, insects, and occasionally fruits and vegetation
Conservation StatusVaries depending on species, some are of least concern while others are threatened or endangered

Fun Fact: Smallest carnivorous mammals, have to eat one-third of their body weight each day for survival.

Weasels, belonging to the Mustela genus, are renowned for their small yet formidable stature. These agile carnivores inhabit diverse ecosystems worldwide, from the Arctic tundra to temperate woodlands and grasslands. Despite their size, they are skilled hunters, preying upon small mammals, birds, and insects with precision. Weasels play a crucial role in ecosystem dynamics, contributing to the delicate balance of nature with their sleek bodies and swift movements.

4. Wyoming Toad

Wyoming toad
Wyoming toad (Bufo baxteri syn. Anaxyrus baxteri) at Mortenson Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Wyoming, USA. Image via USFWS Mountain-Prairie, credit Sara Armstrong, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Scientific NameAnaxyrus baxteri
Where it LivesWet meadows, marshes, and ponds in southeastern Wyoming, USA
What it EatsInsects, small invertebrates
Conservation StatusCritically Endangered

Fun Fact:  They release poisonous substances from their neck gland when attacked by predators.

Wyoming Toads are already extinct in the wild, but they still exist in zoos and animal preservation centers. These amphibians prey on beetles and ants. They have two bulged eyes, but they still rely on their hearing senses to locate their food.

5. Woodpecker

Acorn woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus bairdi), adult male, holding a nut in its beak on the campus of California State University, Chico, USA .Image by © Frank Schulenburg
Scientific NameVaried across species, e.g., Picidae family
Where it LivesVaried, depending on species; often forests and woodlands
What it EatsPrimarily insects found in wood, also seeds and nuts
Conservation StatusVaries widely depending on species, some are of least concern while others are threatened or endangered

Fun Fact: Woodpeckers have specialized feathers around their beaks to shield their eyes from debris.

Woodpeckers inhabit various regions globally, excluding the polar areas, and are typically found in tree-rich environments. Their feet are uniquely adapted for a firm grip on tree trunks, where they also create their nests.

Primarily seed-eaters, woodpeckers are omnivorous and face threats from rodents, snakes, and wild cats.

6. Wooly Monkey

Wooly monkey
Wooly monkey. Image by EBFoto via Depositphotos
Scientific NameLagothrix spp.
Where it LivesTropical rainforests of South America, primarily in the Amazon Basin
What it EatsPrimarily fruits, leaves, nuts, seeds, and occasionally insects
Conservation StatusVaries depending on species; some are Vulnerable or Endangered due to habitat loss and hunting

Fun Fact:  They get their name from their soft fur that looks like wool.

Woolly monkeys are charming inhabitants of the lush South American rainforests. With its captivating shaggy coat and playful antics, this arboreal creature adds a touch of magic to the canopy. Join us as we explore the captivating world of the woolly monkey, a vital link in the vibrant tapestry of the Amazon.

7. Walking Catfish

Walking catfish
Walking catfish (Clarias batrachus) at the Tropical Aquarium in France. Image via Vassil, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
Scientific NameClarias spp.
Where it LivesSoutheast Asia, including countries like Thailand and Indonesia
What it EatsFish, insects, plant material
Conservation StatusVaries depending on species, some are of least concern while others may be threatened

Fun Fact:  They have modified gills that allow them to survive in moist land for an extended period.

Walking Catfishes are freshwater fishes found in ponds, lakes, and swamps. These omnivores are located mainly in Asia. They are found singly and form pairs only during mating seasons.

8. Walleye Fish

walleye fish
Walleye fish eat bullheads. Image By peter77 via Depositphotos
Scientific NameSander vitreus
Where it LivesFreshwater lakes, rivers, and reservoirs, primarily in North America
What it EatsMainly smaller fish such as perch, minnows, and shiners, as well as insects and crayfish
Conservation StatusLeast Concern

Fun Fact: Their bulged eyes give them good vision at night.

Walleye, or Yellow pikes, inhabit freshwater environments. These creatures possess typical fish anatomy but are distinguished by their large, glassy eyes. They thrive in various aquatic settings, including lakes, streams, and ponds, where they often gather in groups, particularly in the shallow regions of their habitat.

9. Warthog

A female warthog (Phacochoerus aethiopicus) grazing with her piglets in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. Image via Depositphotos.
Scientific NamePhacochoerus africanus
Where it LivesGrasslands, savannas, and woodlands in sub-Saharan Africa
What it EatsOmnivorous; primarily feeds on grass, roots, bulbs, fruits, and occasionally small animals
Conservation StatusLeast Concern

Fun Fact: Warthogs do not construct their own homes; they inhabit abandoned dens originally made by aardvarks.

Warthogs are African mammals that are primarily herbivorous, feeding mostly on bulbs, grasses, and roots, but they resort to meat consumption when plant resources are limited. Warthogs are distinguished by large facial bumps and two sets of tusks, and they possess robust hooves for digging into the earth.

10. Water Buffalo

Water buffaloes
This is a photo of a natural heritage site in Bangladesh. Image via Md shahanshah bappy, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Scientific NameSyncerus caffer
Where it LivesSavannas, grasslands, and woodlands in sub-Saharan Africa
What it EatsGrasses, herbs, shrubs, and occasionally aquatic plants
Conservation StatusLeast Concern

Fun fact: Their horns can grow up to 10 feet!

Water buffalo travel in herds and are attacked by many wild animals. They are a cosmopolitan species and have been domesticated for thousands of years. Water Buffaloes spend a lot of their day in rivers, or sometimes wallowing in the mud like pigs.

11. Western Gorilla

Western gorilla
Western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla). Image by wrangel via Depositphotos
Scientific NameGorilla gorilla
Where it LivesCentral African rainforests and swamps
What it EatsHerbivorous; eats fruits, leaves, shoots, and insects
Conservation StatusEndangered

Fun Fact: These mammals make basic tools to gather their food effectively.

Western gorillas are one of the two subspecies of the African gorilla and a species facing endangerment. These majestic apes command attention with their imposing size, as the average male can weigh between 250 to 400 pounds. With a lifespan spanning 35 to 50 years, they traverse the lush rainforests of Central Africa, where they primarily forage on a herbivorous diet of fruits, leaves, and shoots, occasionally supplementing with insects and lizards. Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of the Western gorilla, an iconic symbol of the rich biodiversity of the African continent.

12. White Tiger

White tiger
White tiger with striking blue eyes. Image via Hiroshi Jinza, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Scientific NamePanthera tigris (specifically Panthera tigris tigris)
Where it LivesVaried, but historically found in dense forests and grasslands of India, Nepal, and Bhutan
What it EatsCarnivorous; preys on deer, wild pigs, and other large mammals
Conservation StatusCritically Endangered due to habitat loss, poaching, and genetic issues

Fun Fact: White Tigers mate specifically with other White Tigers with their genes.

White tigers thrive in habitats with a good supply of water. Their furs are white with black stripes. White tigers have blue eyes, which are easily spotted by their prey. They feed on herbivore animals. They are the second-largest tiger species after the Siberian tiger, weighing about 300 – 400kg.

13. Wallaby

Wallaby in nature. Image via VmeganV, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Scientific NameVarious species within the Macropus genus
Where it LivesVaried, but typically found in grasslands, forests, and scrublands of Australia and nearby islands
What it EatsHerbivorous; feeds on grasses, leaves, and shrubs
Conservation StatusLeast Concern for many species, but some are Vulnerable or Endangered due to habitat loss and hunting

Fun Fact: Wallabies face predation from various animals, including domestic dogs and cats.

Wallabies, approximately 30 species of marsupials, exhibit similarities to kangaroos while boasting a distinctive shorter stature. These charming creatures are often found in groups, foraging on a diet comprised of grasses, leaves, fruits, and seeds. Their communal movements and varied diet contribute to their adaptability in diverse environments, marking them as fascinating inhabitants of the Australian landscape.

14. Whiptail Lizard

whiptail lizard
Image by Ralf Hüsges, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Scientific NameVarious species within the Teiidae family
Where it LivesVaried, but typically found in arid or semi-arid regions of North, Central, and South America
What it EatsInsectivorous; feeds primarily on insects and other small invertebrates
Conservation StatusLeast Concern for many species, but some are Vulnerable due to habitat loss and human activity

Fun Fact: A lot of them reproduce asexually.

Whiptail lizards receive their name because of their long, slim tails, about three times their body length. These reptiles have a lifespan of seven years and are prey to foxes, coyotes, hawks, and Gila lizards.

15. White Ferrets

white ferret
Ferrets feeding in the zoo. Via Depositphotos
Scientific NameMustela putorius furo
Where it LivesIn homes as pets
What it EatsCarnivorous; primarily fed on meat-based diets, including specially formulated ferret food
Conservation StatusNot Evaluated

Fun Fact: These carnivores occasionally eat vegetables and fruits.

White Ferrets are mainly domestic and unable to survive in the wild. They are social animals, and you can also refer to them as Albino Ferrets. They are carnivores and feed on rats, mice, and rabbits. These animals typically live about 6 to 10 years in captivity. These playful animals have high energy levels and have an extremely curious nature.

16. Western Rat Snake

Western rat snake
Western young ratsnake was found stretched out on a trail in full sun on a piece of land. Image via Peter Paplanus from St. Louis, Missouri, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Scientific NameMustela putorius furo
Where it LivesDomesticated; kept as pets in homes and sometimes used for hunting rodents
What it EatsCarnivorous; primarily fed on meat-based diets, including specially formulated ferret food
Conservation StatusLeast Concern

Fun Fact: These snakes can reach lengths of up to 9 feet.

Western Rat snakes from North America possess black skin adorned with white markings, which darken with age. Western Rat snakes have specialized scales on their underside, facilitating efficient tree climbing. In captivity the live up to 10 years.

17. Wild boar

Baby wild boar
A baby Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) in a wildlife park in the Netherlands. Image via Sander van der Wel, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Scientific NameSus scrofa
Where it LivesVaried, but typically found in forests, woodlands, and grasslands
What it EatsOmnivorous
SizeAdults can weigh between 90 to 200 kilograms (200 to 440 pounds)
Conservation StatusLeast Concern

Fun Fact: The males of these weird mammals use their upper tusks to sharpen their lower tusks.

Wild Boars are also known as Wild pigs. These omnivores have a lifespan of 15 – 20 years. They usually travel in groups and are found in Asia and Europe. Their young ones are cared for by their moms until they get to their second year. Adults weigh up to 440 pounds and they are stockily built with robust fur.

18. White-Tailed Eagle

 White-Tailed Eagle
Head of white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) at the volerie des aigles in Kintzheim (Bas-Rhin, France). Image via Gzen92, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Scientific NameHaliaeetus albicilla
Where it LivesCoastal areas, estuaries, lakes, and rivers in Europe and parts of Asia
What it EatsCarnivorous
Conservation StatusLeast Concern

Fun Fact: They are the largest birds in Europe, with wingspans of about 6 – 8 feet.

White-tailed Eagles are apex predators. They live in a wide range of countries, especially in Europe. The feathers of these birds are brown, and as their name suggests, they have whitetails. They feed mainly on fishes and you can also call them Eurasian Fish Eagles.

19. White Rhinoceros

White rhino
White rhinoceros (ceratotherium simum) with young near Namutoni, Etosha National Park, Namibia. They were grazing right at the edge of the Etosha pan. Image via “Axel Tschentscher”, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Scientific NameCeratotherium simum
Where it LivesGrasslands and savannas of southern Africa
What it EatsHerbivorous; grazes on grasses and other vegetation
Conservation StatusNear Threatened due to habitat loss and poaching for their horns

Fun Fact: They are the second-largest land animals in the world.

White Rhinoceros are solitary animals that feed mainly on fruits, grasses, and leaves. They live in Tropical bushland and savannah habitat. They are on of the largest land mammals weighing between 4,000 and 5,500 pounds! These solitary animals are listed as Near Threatened due to the excessive poaching for their horns.

20. Whoodle

Whoodle dog
Whoodle dogs are friendly and fun. Image via Pexels
Scientific NameCanis lupus familiaris
Where it LivesHomes worldwide
What it EatsHigh quality dog food and animal protein
Conservation StatusNot Endangered

Fun Fact: Whoodles are excellent swimmers.

Whoodles are a mixed breed of a Poodle and a Wheaten Terrier. They feature very long furs. These pets are quite intelligent, but they are quite expensive pets to own.

These dogs are medium to large in size, typically weighing between 20 to 45 pounds (9 to 20 kilograms). They make for longliving pets as they age to around 25 years and love being involved in the families activities.

Summary of animals that start with W

YouTube video

Learn 10 Animals starting with W. What animals start with the letter W? Source: Youtube, Uploaded: Saprize World

Well, that was a fun ride, wasn’t it? We hope you had a great time. The thrill doesn’t have to end here. Here is another list of animals that start with F for you to enjoy. We’ll see you next time.

Full Alphabet here: