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Baby in Lion-Costume Confuse Lions at Atlanta Zoo

Baby in Lion-Costume
Image via Cambamxo

Let’s watch an adorable moment as a baby in a lion-costume meets real lions at Zoo Atlanta.

A Baby in Disguise

Baby in Lion-Costume
Image via Cambamxo

On a chilly day at Zoo Atlanta, a unique and adorable scene unfolded when an 11-month-old named Aryeh visited dressed in a lion costume. 

What’s even more fun is that the name Aryeh actually means lion in Hebrew!

His mom’s thoughtful outfit was perfect for a day dedicated to a little family outing with his godparents. 

A Not-so-Furry Lion Cub

Baby in Lion-Costume-3
Image via Cambamxo

Initially, the lions were not on display due to the cold weather, but luck was on their side. 

When Aryeh and his family were ready to leave, the lions had come out to bask in the late morning sun. 

Seizing the opportunity, Aryeh’s godparents quickly dressed him in his lion costume. They hoped to capture a memorable photo of their little lion cub with the real lions in the background.

Lion gets Confused

Image generated by DALLE-E for AATG by Linnea

As Aryeh approached the lion exhibit in his costume, the real lions took an immediate interest. 

Seeing what appeared to be a tiny, somewhat different-looking lion cub sparked the lion’s curiosity. 

They approached the glass, displaying a mix of confusion and intrigue. 

Aryeh the Lion

Image generated by DALLE-E for AATG by Linnea

Despite the attention from these large animals, Aryeh remained unfazed. 

The baby interacted with the lions through the safety of the glass. This fearless engagement lasted for a few minutes, during which Aryeh’s godparents managed to snap pictures and record videos of this charming encounter.

The Video

YouTube video
“Lion baby meets his Namesake” via Cambamxo

Limiting the Amount of Fun

Image generated by DALLE-E for AATG by Linnea

However, Aryeh’s godparents closely monitored the magical interaction, mindful of not overstressing the zoo’s lions. 

As the lions started showing signs of getting worked up, they decided it was time to move on.  

This responsible decision marked the end of their visit.

Net Up:

Lioness Push Lion Cub into the Water at Washington Zoo