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Baby Turtles Emerge from Under Lounger Racing for the Waves

baby turtles emerge from beach lounger
Baby turtles emerge from beach lounger. Screenshot from Baby Turtles Emerge From Beach Lounger, Source: YouTube, Uploaded: Newsflare

Beachgoers in Playa del Carmen were treated to a delightful surprise when dozens of baby sea turtles hatched right under a beach lounger. This unexpected event kicked off an incredible journey for the hatchlings as they made their way to the ocean, facing various obstacles along the way.

A Beach Surprise

baby turtles emerge from beach lounger
Baby turtles emerge from beach lounger. Screenshot from Baby Turtles Emerge From Beach Lounger, Source: YouTube, Uploaded: Newsflare

Beachgoers soaking up the sun in Playa del Carmen, Mexico, got an adorable surprise. One particular sunbather was simply lying on her comfy beach lounger when she spotted small dark bodies emerging from underneath. Curious as to what it could be, she went to investigate, lifting the lounger to see what was underneath.

Discovery Under the Lounger

baby turtles emerge from beach lounger
Baby turtles emerge from beach lounger. Screenshot from Baby Turtles Emerge From Beach Lounger, Source: YouTube, Uploaded: Newsflare

After lifting the beach lounger just an inch off the sand, a few tiny sea turtles started to squeeze through, using their mini flippers to propel themselves further. Lifting the beach lounger, the extent of the situation was uncovered—dozens of newly hatched turtles emerged from under the lounger. Clearly, there was a turtle nest hidden beneath the lounger, protecting the eggs until they were ready to hatch.

The Dash to the Ocean

baby turtles emerge from beach lounger
Baby turtles emerge from beach lounger. Screenshot from Baby Turtles Emerge From Beach Lounger, Source: YouTube, Uploaded: Newsflare

Set free from the confines of the lounger, the baby turtles started sprinting toward the shore. The race began to see who would make it to the waves first. The dozens of turtles spread across a portion of the beach, dotting the sand. The beachgoers were careful not to get in the tiny turtles’ way, giving them the space they needed to make it to their new home.

A Sandy Challenge

baby turtles emerge from beach lounger
Baby turtles emerge from beach lounger. Screenshot from Baby Turtles Emerge From Beach Lounger, Source: YouTube, Uploaded: Newsflare

But it’s not all fun and games. Having only been hatched for a few minutes, the baby turtles are tasked with the challenge of making it through the sandy obstacles that lie between their nest and the waves. One turtle accidentally got flipped on its back, while another got stuck in a treacherous sand dune. Thankfully, they both managed to push through and make it over their obstacles!

Victory at the Shoreline

baby turtles emerge from beach lounger
Baby turtles emerge from beach lounger. Screenshot from Baby Turtles Emerge From Beach Lounger, Source: YouTube, Uploaded: Newsflare

The front runners inched closer and closer to the shore. With their flippers propelling them forward as fast as they could, these tiny turtles worked tirelessly until they finally made it to the sea. We can only hope that every single turtle found success and that no one got lost along the way.

Hidden Turtle Nests

Turtle nesting beach
Sea turtle nesting on the beach. Image by GretelW, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Sea turtles lay their eggs in nests dug into the sand on beaches. These nests are typically found above the high tide line to protect the eggs from being washed away. A single nest can contain dozens to over a hundred eggs, which incubate under the warm sand.

The Magic of Turtle-Hatching Season

baby turtles
Baby sea turtles hatching in a turtle farm in Hikkaduwa. Sri Lanka. Selective Focus. Image via Depositphotos.

Turtle hatching season varies depending on the species and location. In Playa del Carmen, it typically occurs from June to November. During this period, female turtles come ashore at night to lay their eggs, ensuring their hatchlings have the best chance of survival.

The Perilous Journey of Baby Turtles

baby turtle
Cute hatchling baby loggerhead sea turtle (caretta caretta) crawling to the sea after leaving the nest at the beach on Bahia coast, Brazil, with footprints on the sand, top view. Image via Depositphotos.

The journey from the nest to the sea is fraught with challenges for baby turtles. They must navigate through sand, avoid predators, and follow the natural light of the horizon to find the ocean. This perilous trek is critical for their survival and future return to the same beach to nest.


Cute baby Olive ridley sea turtle hatchling crawling towards the sea. Isolated Baby turtle on the sandy beach. Image via Depositphotos.

Witnessing the hatching of baby turtles in Playa del Carmen is a reminder of nature’s wonders. These tiny creatures face numerous challenges on their journey to the sea, but with community support and conservation efforts, their survival chances improve. Protecting these hatchlings ensures that future generations can experience this magical event.

Watch the full video here.