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Watch: Wild Bear Charges Photographers in Alaska

Youtube / FantasticWorld

In a heart-stopping encounter in Alaska’s Chinitna Bay on Lake Clark’s Cook inlet, a group of tourists and photographers found themselves in the direct path of a charging brown bear.


Mother bear protects her three little puppies. Image via

On a guided tour with Scenic Bear Viewing, the group aimed to observe bears in their natural environment. However, what was supposed to be a serene experience quickly turned into a nail-biting moment.

The Unexpected Charge 

Bear Charges Photographers
Youtube / FantasticWorld

While the group was observing a calm bear digging holes on the sandy shores of the National Park, a brown bear in the distance suddenly started charging toward them at a rapid pace. The rapid approach of the bear caught everyone off guard, heightening the situation’s tension.

Bravery in the Face of Danger 

brown bear
Big bear in the forest. Image by VolodymyrBur via Depositphotos

Martin Boland, the guide with over a decade of experience with these majestic creatures, showcased immense courage. Instead of retreating, Martin ran directly towards the charging bear, screaming and waving his camera in a brave attempt to deter the animal. His quick thinking and fearless approach worked. The bear, taken aback by Martin’s audacity, decided to retreat to the water.

Safety Advice from the Experts 

As apex predators, brown bears have few natural predators themselves. Image via Pexels

Following this harrowing experience, the tour company took to Instagram to share crucial advice for anyone in a similar situation. They emphasized the importance of not running from a charging bear, as this could trigger their natural chase instinct. Instead, they advised standing one’s ground, especially during a bluff charge meant to intimidate rather than attack. The company also highlighted the importance of maintaining a safe distance from wild bears and always ensuring the presence of an experienced guide during such excursions.

What Are Grizzly Bears?

Brown bear by Chris Weber with MidJourney
During hibernation, brown bears can reduce their heart rate to as low as 10 beats per minute and lower their metabolism dramatically.

Image by Chris Weber with MidJourney

Grizzly bears are a subspecies of brown bears found in North America. They are known for their distinctive hump on their shoulders, which is a muscle mass used for digging.

Where Do Grizzly Bears Live?

Brown bear by Chris Weber with MidJourney
Brown bear by Chris Weber with MidJourney

Grizzly bears primarily inhabit the western part of North America, including Alaska, western Canada, and parts of the northwestern United States such as Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho.

What Do Grizzly Bears Eat?

Ruling the landscape, brown bears of Kamchatka (Ursus arctos beringianus)

Grizzly bears are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals. Their diet includes berries, roots, insects, fish, small mammals, and occasionally larger animals like deer or moose.

How Big Do Grizzly Bears Get?

Boy attack bear
Brown bears are among the largest terrestrial carnivores.
Image via Pexels

Adult male grizzly bears typically weigh between 400 to 800 pounds, while females are smaller, weighing between 300 to 400 pounds. They can stand up to 8 feet tall on their hind legs.

How Long Do Grizzly Bears Live?

brown bear
Brown bear standing on a log. Image via Depositphotos

Grizzly bears can live up to 25 years in the wild, although their lifespan can be shorter due to factors like disease, accidents, and human interactions.

What Is the Role of Grizzly Bears in the Ecosystem?

Big brown bear in the forest in the summer.

Image via Depositphotos

Grizzly bears play a vital role in their ecosystem by controlling prey populations, dispersing seeds through their scat, and contributing to nutrient cycling through their foraging activities.


Most Bear-Infested Forests
Brown Bear (Ursus arctos) swimming in a river.
Image via Depositphotos

This thrilling encounter is a stark reminder of the unpredictability of nature and the importance of respecting wild animals in their habitats. While the group was fortunate to have an experienced guide like Martin. Tourists must be aware of the potential dangers and always prioritize safety when venturing into the wilderness.

YouTube video
Youtube / FantasticWorld

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