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Bear Cub Waves “Hello” To Photographer

Bears are often seen in the wild. One such encounter was captured by a nature enthusiast and photographer while out in the bear country. Dive into the cute video of a bear cub waving “hello” at the camera.

Bear Diversity 

There are various bear species found in America. This includes the American Black Bear, Brown Bears, Kodiak bears, Kermode bears, and the Louisiana black bear.

The bear cub is a brown bear, also known as a grizzly bear.

Their name comes from their hair having light tips looking “grizzled” and “grisel,” which means horrible. 

 Bear Cub Waves 

In the viral video, one can see a mother grizzly with her 2 cubs. Upon seeing the humans taking the video, one of the cubs stands on its hind legs to get a better view. The bear cub uses its hands to balance but looks like it is waving.  This adorable moment showcases the curiosity of bear cubs. 

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