Kittens have a way of stealing our hearts. They exhibit such playful antics. But did you know that one essential, albeit lesser-known, aspect of kitten care is burping?
To Answer The Question

Yes, you read correctly: burping kittens is a legitimate job. Moreover it is essential to maintaining the health of these little furry friends. Together, let us explore the benefits of burping kittens. As well as discovering some interesting trivia and explain how to do it.
Why You Need to Burp Kittens

Burping kittens might seem unconventional, but it is actually quite important. Just like human infants, kittens can ingest air while feeding. This trapped air can lead to discomfort, colic and even life-threatening complications if left unaddressed.
What Happens

When kittens consume milk, whether from their mother or a bottle, they may gulp down air alongside it. Burping helps release this excess air, preventing discomfort and promoting proper digestion.
Fascinating Fact

Kittens are born without the ability to burp on their own. Thus making it crucial for their caregivers to assist in this process. Unlike adult cats, their esophageal muscles are not fully developed, which can lead to air trapping in their tiny tummies.
How to Burp Kittens

Burping kittens is a delicate task that requires gentle handling and patience. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:
1. Choose the Right Time: Burping kittens is most effective during and after their feeding sessions. Kittens should be in an upright position, similar to how you’d hold a human baby.
Step 2

Support Their Head: Gently cradle the kitten in your hand, supporting its head and neck with your fingers. Evidently you should keep the kitten’s body at a slight incline to facilitate the release of trapped air.
Step 3

Tap and Pat: With a soft touch, use your free hand to tap/pat the kitten’s back gently. It is best to start at the base of the spine and work your way up towards the shoulders. Generally this motion mimics the natural process of burping.
Step 4

Listen and Observe: Pay close attention to your kitten. Undoubtedly if you hear a faint burping sound or notice them releasing gas, you are on the right track. Continue patting until you are confident they have expelled all the trapped air.
Step 5

Be Patient: Evidently some kittens may need more time or assistance than others. Do not rush the process. Stay calm to reassure the kitten.
Did You Know?

Kittens can be quite vocal during the burping process. Generally emitting tiny burping noises as air escapes. This is a sign that you’re helping them relieve discomfort.
Want to a cat being burped? It is pretty adorable.
Wrapping Up with Burping Kittens Is An Actual Job

Burping kittens is a necessary practice to ensure their health and happiness. Even though it might not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about caring for these little furballs, it is extremely helpful to them.
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