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California Family Finds Missing Dog in Michigan

missing dog found in michigan
Image by TODAY via YouTube

A dog who went missing in California is found many miles away and many months later – all thanks to the microchip and a little bit of luck.

The Disappearance

It was last summer, July 2023, that the Houman family was left devastated when they lost a four-legged family member. Mishka had been hanging out at the family business, an auto garage, when she suddenly was nowhere to be found.

Following the disappearance, the family was desperate. They hung up hundreds and hundreds of flyers and stubbornly continued their search.

Just When They Thought All Hope Was Gone

Almost a year later and more than 2,000 miles away in suburban Detroit, a police officer picked up what he though was a stray dog. But this was no other dog than Mishka, a far way from home.

Mishka was taken to an animal welfare group where they quickly realized that she had a microchip.

Following this discovery everything was basically smooth sailing – by scanning the microchip they could quickly contact the Houman family, and not shortly afterwards they could have the most beautiful reunion.

Watch the Reunion

“Dog missing in California found 2,000 miles away in Detroit”, Source: YouTube, Uploaded: TODAY

The Suspected Course of Events

Before returning home to California, Mishka received a rabies shot for safety measures – but other than that, she was fit as a flea.

Overall Mishka was well-fed and well-groomed, so there’s no way she’d spent the past few months in the streets. Instead, they suspect that she had been stolen and then sold to another family, which would also explain how she was thousands of miles away from home.

Missing California Dog Found in Michigan: Wrapping Up

Losing a pet is just as painful as losing a family member, and if only all cases could end like this one. The lesson of the day is definitely to microchip your pet!

Thank you for reading this story about the missing California dog who turned up in Michigan! For more heartfelt content to make you smile, take a look here:

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