An extraordinary encounter where a chimp uses a visitors hands as a cup to drink water from a puddle. The chimp is so thankful, he proceeds to wash the hands after and thank the man for his help.
Read to the end to watch the cute video!
The Backstory
A french photographer named Pieri, was visiting the Papaye International sanctuary in Cameroon, where he had a timeless experience. This encounter included a chimpanzee that the center had rescued.
The Special Chimp
When the chimp locked eyes with Pieri, he called him over. He then gently took his hands and made them into a cup. Using the cupped hands, he dipped them into a puddle of water and brought them to his mouth to take a refreshing sip.
Moments After
After drinking the water, the chimp proceeded to wash Pieri hands. Washing another being is a sign of friendship from the chimpanzee. An epic moment between man and animal caught on film.
The Sanctuary
The sanctuary is an association dedicated to saving, protecting and rehabilitating orphaned chimpanzees. Generally they are victims of poaching and trafficking. Pieri said, “This place is unique and it’s hard to explain the feeling you can have with them.”
The Video
Wrapping Up with Chimp Drinks From Pieri’s Hands and Washes Them
This video has warmed many hearts, filling them with love. The manners of this chimp are beyond some humans. We can all have a little reminder here to be kind and share love.
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