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Chimpanzee’s Journey Home Was An Emotional Reunion After 7 Years in Miami

Many of us have pets, dogs, cats, hamsters, bunnies, and maybe even a bird. Some people go to the next level by having pets such as meerkats, chinchillas, sugar gliders, etc. This story dives into that next level of pet ownership. 

The Primate Companion

Screenshot from When we go see CHIMP LIMBANI from @zwfmiami Our forever big baby! Source: Youtube, Uploaded: Misty Flower Monkeys

This family based in Miami has a chimp child! Limbani Chimp has become a social icon as the world of social media watches him grow over the years. After being rejected by his mother at birth Limbani was rescued by the zoo and fostered by his loving human parents, Tanya and Jorge Sanchez. 

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From Wild to Wonderland

Screenshot from When we go see CHIMP LIMBANI from @zwfmiami Our forever big baby! Source: Youtube, Uploaded: Misty Flower Monkeys

Born with pneumonia the sick little chimp needed 24/7 care. The Sanchezes stepped up and took part in the responsibility of Limbani’s care. Although it may have been an intense time, there is no doubt that this little monkey was raised with love. 

A New Destination

Screenshot from When we go see CHIMP LIMBANI from @zwfmiami Our forever big baby! Source: Youtube, Uploaded: Misty Flower Monkeys

Just as with us, the nest must be flown at some point. Limbani’s recovery was a great success! The weak little chimp grew into a strong big chimp. He was then moved to the Zoological Wildlife Foundation, where he stayed for the following 7 years. 

Thriving in his Independence

Screenshot from Limbani’s 7th Birthday #chimpanzee. Source: Youtube, Uploaded: ZWF MIAMI

Even if some may think he wasn’t free, he was having the time of his life in his new home. The Zoological Wildlife Foundation took wonderful care of Limbani, providing him with warmth, toys, and, his favorite, BANANAS! They even threw him his very own birthday parties! 

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Home is Where the Banana’s are

Screenshot from Limbani the chimpanzee enjoying an apple. Source: Youtube, Uploaded: ZWF MIAMI

Life is good, the food is good, and this chimp is a happy guy. Chimps in the wild can live up to 50 years, whereas chimps in captivity can live up to 70. I definitely wouldn’t mind living a few extra years when I am given everything I could want, including specially-made ice cream!

Swinging With Sidekicks

Screenshot from Curious Chimpanzee Limbani. Source: Youtube, Uploaded: ZWF MIAMI

Limbani is well-known for his warm and loving nature. A chimp loved by all. He has many friends to monkey about with. Human friends, monkey friends, and even dog friends, he’s not picky. 

Canopy Chatter

Screenshot from Almost 7-year-old Chimpanzee Limbani reunion with human caretakers (Full) Source: Youtube, Uploaded: ZWF MIAMI

We can be sure of one thing, Limbani was never lonely. The much-loved chimp had visitors coming and going. Limbani’s happy spirit warmed the hearts of many people, lifting spirits and sharing much laughter. 

Furry Hugs and Sloppy Kisses

Screenshot from When we go see CHIMP LIMBANI from @zwfmiami Our forever big baby! Source: Youtube, Uploaded: Misty Flower Monkeys

After 7 years of living a luxurious life with the Zoological Wildlife Foundation crew, Limbani was reunited with his foster family. Although they had had visits, this was a full reunion and a heart-melting one. There is no lack of love in this ape-solutely wonderful family. 

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Recalling the Troops

Screenshot from When we go see CHIMP LIMBANI from @zwfmiami Our forever big baby! Source: Youtube, Uploaded: Misty Flower Monkeys

Some of you may be wondering how this chimp could remember his rescuers after so many years when, sometimes, we can’t even remember what we did yesterday! Chimpanzees have incredible long-term memory. He may have just been an abandoned and distressed baby, but this couple made a chimp-sized mark in his heart.

Limbani’s Gone Live

Image by @Limbanizwf via Instagram.

Social Media has taken the world by storm and Limbani grabbed it by the tail and swung. Thanks to his 1 million followers his story and fun little videos have reached all corners of the Earth. Yes, they are fun to watch, but they also help share awareness about animal rescue. 3 cheers for the chimp!

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They’re Telling Tails

Image by @Limbanizwf via Instagram.

When posting on social media, you are putting something out there for the world to judge, and judge they do. Without context, people can decide what it is that they see and many decided that these images were showing animal abuse. I don’t know…he seems pretty happy to me!

Is This Bananas?

Screenshot from Visiting Zoological with Monkey Angelika to see Chimp Limbani, her family, friends!! Source: Youtube, Uploaded: Misty Flower Monkeys

To an extent, you can see their view. A monkey getting all dressed up and living his life for the world to see. However, this monkey was rescued, revived, and rehabilitated by caring hands. He was given love and affection by his human parents. His story is more than a picture.

The Butterfly Effect: Small Change, Big Impact

Image by @Limbanizwf via Instagram.

Limbani wasn’t stolen from a tree and shipped off in a cage. ZWF rescued the baby chimp and gave him a life, a family, and a home. Their simple act of taking him in changed his life. Evidently, we don’t want all animals to be in captivity, but the rising amount of rehabilitation centers has saved various species. It isn’t about taking them in, it’s about keeping them alive. 

Learning and Growing

Chimpanzee. Image by Franceso Ungaro via Unsplash

As humans, as much as we like to think we do, we don’t know everything. The world is collapsing around us and we are still trying to learn about it. Toys have been made for animals in captivity that stimulate various parts of their brain just as ‘toys’ in the wild do. We have learned many ways to create a wild-like enclosure, creating a feeling of home for the animals. In some cases, this makes the transition after release easier. Ideally, we would want all animals free in the wild, but for now, we do what we can to protect them. 

Heartwarming Bonds

Man and Elephants. Image by Dhaval Parmar via Unsplash

When I’m sad, my dog knows and will come and comfort me. The bond between humans and animals is incredible. We vary in many MANY ways, yet we can connect on the same level. This is not something that should be taken advantage of but rather protected.

Navigating New Terrain

Ringtailed Lema. Image by Rhianna Maguire via Unsplash

A pet tiger is no longer just for Princess Jasmine. People have now discovered having ‘exotic pets’ such as meerkats, monkeys, and even wolves. The majority of the time it is used as a sense of wealth, not ok, but sometimes they are rescues that cannot be set free for various reasons, a little more ok. Some ‘exotic pets’ are taken into homes as they cannot survive in the wild or have been badly injured. Navigating this new terrain is tricky, it’s impossible to stop people from doing what they want, but we can provide resources and education on how to do it correctly. Give the animals what they want and need, not what you want them to have.

Friend or Foe

Monkey. Image by MediaEcke via Unsplash

Yes, there is a large amount of contradiction about which pets are friends and which make you a foe. There are animals that are not meant to be kept in a house or small apartment, or even a mansion. They are meant to be in the wild. However, in cases such as Limbani’s, sometimes for the safety or survival of the animal or species they need to be taken into properly equipped environments.

Bear Necessities

Gorilla. Image by Rob Schreckhise via Unsplash

Can we give animals all they need from nature? That’s what it comes down to. Where is the animal better suited to be? The answer should be decided by fact not human emotion. The fact was, that Limbani needed care. 

Flocking Together

Flock of Birds. Image by Barth Bailey via Unsplash

Our responsibility is to save our planet and everything on it. We need to do all that we can in order to preserve what we have. It is heartbreaking to know that our grandkids may never get the chance to see some of the animals on Earth today. We need to flock together and do our part. 

Chimp Chronicles

Image by @Limbanizwf via Instagram.

Limbani’s story teaches us about the precious connection between humans and animals. This heartwarming, loving family blend is a reminder to us. This is what we are trying to save. These are the creatures that need our help. Look after them, protect them. Maybe don’t try and put all animals in a onesie though…