You can’t make this up, that’s for sure! Which is exactly what Callie Schenker thought when she caught sight of this unlikely friendship. Let’s have a look at the corgi who goes for rides on his pony friend’s back.
What A Sight
As Callie came home to their farm in Missouri one evening, she caught sight of something super unexpected. The neighbor’s corgi was riding her one-eyed wonder pony named Cricket! Giggling, as you would expect, she grabbed her phone and recorded the two unlikely friends. Shocked, Callie said that she was astounded at the event. She had no idea that dogs could ride, or that Cricket the pony would even allow it! Nonetheless, she shared the video on social media to share with her friends.

As one could expect, the adorable video of the corgi riding on the pony went viral! Yet, some viewers were skeptical saying Callie must have put the corgi up there and tied him put. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. Callie had no idea how the corgi got up there, she didn’t even know the two were friends and hanging out! So, she herself was left with the question – HOW? The answer comes a couple of days later! Callie was busy in the house when she heard a commotion outside and saw the corgi was catching another ride on Cricket. She ran outside with her phone to get the proof.

By the time she reached the riding buddies, the corgi had dismounted. But, she stuck around and finally saw how he got up on her pony! And then finally… After a while, she saw the corgi hopping. It’s happening! With his short legs, the corgi bounced up and down, until finally hopping onto Cricket’s back! While his pony friend encouraged him all the way – and off they went!

Cricket, who is about 5 years old and 3 feet tall has been living on the Missouri farm with Callie and her husband Bob for the last year. When they found him he was severely underweight and they immediately bought him for $80 at the auction. Callie says that Cricket was a tiny pony, but she was immediately smitten with him. And their bond just grew stronger and stronger the more time they spent together. According to her Cricket is wonderfully charming and delightful, despite losing his eye in an accident!

Cricket follows Callie around like a dog – when he isn’t giving them lifts of course! And since living with them has put on a healthy amount of weight and loves belly rubs. Callie believes the corgi’s name is Roper, although she isn’t sure! He is a happy, free-spirited dog that shows up to their house not only to take rides on Cricket but to play with her two chihuahuas too!
Endless Adventure
Although it is still unknown where these two go once Roper is on Cricket’s back, it is fun to imagine that the two take on endless adventures together! And hopefully, one day soon Callie can share another video of their antics.
Last Say
This adorable and unlikely friendship between Roper the corgi and Cricket the one-eyed pony warms my heart! No one knows how they became friends, yet their love for each other is undeniable.
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