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3 Massive Crocodiles Found Living In Pavement

Screenshot from: "They thought they saw a crack in the sidewalk" Source: YouTube, Uploaded: New York Post

In the hustling and bustling streets of India, you can find everything and anything, even a family of crocodiles, as it turns out. This incredible discovery reminds us of the impressive resilience of these ancient reptiles. After all, they’re the cousins of dinosaurs.

Key Points

Screenshot from: “They thought they saw a crack in the sidewalk” Source: YouTube, Uploaded: New York Post
  • Three crocodiles were discovered under urban pavement in India.
  • In Gujarat, villagers coexist harmoniously with “mugger” crocodiles.
  • Crocodiles hold significant importance in Hindu culture.

The Finding

Screenshot from: “They thought they saw a crack in the sidewalk” Source: YouTube, Uploaded: New York Post

In a shocking incident that has taken the internet by storm, footage from India captured the moment when three crocodiles were discovered living under a concrete pavement.


Screenshot from: “They thought they saw a crack in the sidewalk” Source: YouTube, Uploaded: New York Post

The video shows two men attempting to capture one of the crocodiles. However, to their astonishment, two more crocodiles emerge from the cracked section of the sidewalk.

No One Was Harmed

Screenshot from: “They thought they saw a crack in the sidewalk” Source: YouTube, Uploaded: New York Post

Thankfully, the incident did not result in any injuries – a huge relief considering their predatory prowess. You can watch the video here.

A Rare and Unexpected Discovery

Screenshot from: “They thought they saw a crack in the sidewalk” Source: YouTube, Uploaded: New York Post

The discovery of crocodiles in such an urban setting is both rare and unexpected. Crocodiles typically inhabit freshwater habitats such as rivers, lakes, and wetlands. However, the encroachment of human settlements into their natural habitats has sometimes led to surprising encounters between humans and these reptiles. This incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of coexisting with these magnificent creatures.

YouTube video
“They thought they saw a crack in the sidewalk” Source: YouTube, Uploaded: New York Post

The Impact of Urbanization on Wildlife

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Mugger Crocodile. Steve Garvie from Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Other than the resilience of crocodiles, the incident highlights the broader issue of urbanization and its impact on wildlife. As cities expand and natural habitats shrink, it forces animals to venture into human-dominated landscapes in search of food and shelter. It is crucial for urban planners and developers to consider the needs of wildlife. Incorporating green spaces and wildlife corridors in their designs is crucial.

Co-Existence Between Crocodiles and Humans In India

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Marsh crocodile – Basking in the sun. Karunakar Rayker from India, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

In the central Gujarat region of India, there’s a unique and beautiful coexistence between humans and crocodiles. The local communities share their villages with “mugger” crocodiles, that can sometimes reach up to 16 feet in length. Despite occasional bites on humans or livestock, the villagers take pride in “their muggers”. Remarkably, the locals have constructed islands within these ponds to provide safe basking spots for the crocodiles. Since 2013, a local non-governmental organization has even organized an annual community crocodile count.

Crocodiles In Hindu Culture

makara Hinduism crocodile
Makara, a very common symbolic icon in Buddhist, Hindu and Jain temples of India. It is a fused mythical beast. Here is a makara with flowery peacock tail, body of a lion, mouth of a crocodile and a snout of insects or boar. Ms Sarah Welch, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

The reason behind the villagers’ empathetic attitude towards crocodiles is related to the importance of crocodiles in Hindu culture. In Hinduism, the crocodile, or Makara, holds significant importance. Legends and deities often intertwine with this ancient reptile. The Hindu rain-god Varuna rides on a Makara, representing his dominion over oceans and seas. Kamadeva, the God of Love, has the crocodile as his emblem, and his consort Rati is often depicted with it. These narratives underscore the crocodile’s profound symbolism and its intricate connection to Hindu culture and beliefs.

Marsh/Mugger Crocodiles

marsh/mugger crocodile
Marsh Crocodile (Crocodylus palustris). Bernard DUPONT from FRANCE, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Marsh crocodiles (Crocodylus palustris), also known as mugger crocodiles, are native to freshwater habitats in India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. They have broad snouts and can grow up to 16 feet long. Muggers are excellent swimmers and burrowers. Fun fact: they often cooperate to catch fish by forming semi-circles to herd their prey.

What adaptations help crocodiles survive?

marsh/mugger crocodile
Indian Marsh Crocodile or Magar (in Hindi) in Rangnathittu Sanctury, near Banglore, India. Sanjiv Shukla, Chandigarh, India, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Crocodiles have several adaptations for survival, including tough, scaly skin for protection, powerful jaws and sharp teeth for catching prey, and the ability to stay submerged for long periods to avoid detection.

How long do crocodiles live?

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Juvenile Mugger crocodile photographed at Bardiya National Park. Shadow Ayush, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Crocodiles can live for 50-70 years in the wild. Some individuals in captivity have been known to live even longer, up to 100 years.

Wrapping Up

marsh/mugger crocodile
Marsh Crocodile (Crocodylus palustris). Bernard DUPONT from FRANCE, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The three crocodiles found beneath a pavement in India is not just a testament to the adaptability and resilience of these ancient reptiles, but also a reflection of the broader challenges posed by rapid urbanization. The harmonious coexistence of villagers with crocodiles in Gujarat, offers a beacon of hope. It exemplifies the potential for mutual respect between humans and wildlife, even in an ever-modernizing world.


marsh/mugger crocodile
Mugger crocodile (Crocodylus palustris), Gal Oya Reservoir, Sri Lanka. Charles J. Sharp, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Thank you for reading this article! You can watch the video here.

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Julio C.

Friday 1st of December 2023

This is the first time I heard something scarry like these.

See more here.

John Hartman

Friday 15th of September 2023

This is so scarry!

Come and visit the best Summerville Concrete Sidewalk.


Thursday 24th of August 2023

Every culture has it own beliefs and also in animals , wolves Mexicans, elephants Egyptian, south Africans cats and dogs, Chinese snake' and so it goes on we are all lovers of animals and in between who get other types as well .

Monday 21st of August 2023

I believe there is a reason the dinosaurs are gone. And people who believe we need to coexist with these things are insane.

Sunday 27th of August 2023

@E.d, you wrote this like a 4 year old


Sunday 27th of August 2023

They aren't ALL gone.Despite the less dramatic approach...birds ARE the surviving avian line of dinosaurs. They did not descend from nor share common ancestors... They Are dinosaurs....the only (dinosaur) survivors of the killing meteor what wiped most of them out.


Saturday 26th of August 2023

All species's of living creatures have as much right to live on our host planet as we do in many instances more so


Friday 25th of August 2023

Your really a moron. Do you have a clue what crocodile and alligators do to keep our eco system clean and how much disease do you think there would be if they weren't there eat all the Karian in our lake rivers and oceans. My God my 4 year old knows why we must learn to live with these kind of animals.


Wednesday 23rd of August 2023

Understanding other cultures is crucial to peaceful coexistence.

N Gabriel

Sunday 20th of August 2023

Salt water........ Crocs - salt


Saturday 26th of August 2023

@N Gabriel, Saltwater crocodiles actually spend 99% of their life in freshwater even the American crocodiles and alligators will spend a good amount of time in salt water this is not uncommon

Wednesday 23rd of August 2023

@N Gabriel, The mugger crocodile (Crocodylus palustris) is a medium-sized broad-snouted crocodile, also known as mugger and marsh crocodile. It is native to freshwater habitats from southern Iran to the Indian subcontinent, where it inhabits marshes, lakes, rivers and artificial ponds