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Did You Need Something To Brighten You Day?

Baby and Puppy
Baby and Puppy dancing at toddler gate. Image by sarcasm_only via Instagram

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What better way to release endorphins than watching a baby and Labradoodle puppy forming an unbreakable bond? Join us as we dig a little deeper into the strong bond between human and mans best friend.

Loyalty Of Canine Companions

Baby and Puppy
Baby and Puppy dancing at toddler gate. Image by sarcasm_only via Instagram

Dogs are loyal to their owners. They form strong bonds that last a lifetime. Studies have proven that dogs recognize and respond to their owners’ emotions. This demonstrates their deep emotional connection. Dogs stand by their owners through thick and thin. Loyalty is shown even in challenging situations.

Affectionate Nature

Labradoodle dog taking advantage of its hypoallergenic coat by lounging on the furniture. Image by Lopolo via Deposit Photos
Labradoodle dog taking advantage of its hypoallergenic coat by lounging on the furniture. Image by Lopolo via Deposit Photos

Dogs are affectionate beings. They give their owners lots of love and attention. They have a natural desire to seek out human companionship. This shows in their desire to cuddle, lick, and play with their owners. Their affectionate behavior releases oxytocin. This is a hormone associated with bonding and happiness. It benefits both the dog and their human companions.

Protective Instincts

Australian labradoodles
australian labradoodles. Image via Deposit Photos

Dogs have a strong protective instinct towards their owners and their home. They act as loyal guardians. They act by alerting their owners to any danger.

Unconditional Love

A close up picture of a white labradoodle sleeping on the grass outside. Image via Deposit Photos

Dogs love unconditionally. Regardless of their owner’s flaws, dogs show love and acceptance always. This unconditional love creates a deep sense of companionship. It enrichs the lives of their owners.

Bottom Line

Two Labradoodles playing together on the ground. Image via Deposit Photos

With all these amazing qualities it is hard not to call dogs, ‘man’s best friend’. All the different dog breeds allow any type of household to have a dog as a companion. After all, at the end of the day, we all need an emotional support buddy to listen to our troubles!

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