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Fishermen Discovers Fish As Big As A Car

By Photo by Erik van der Goot, used with permission, provided to FishBase by Marianne Nyegaard -, CC BY-SA 4.0,

A fisherman in the Azores archipelago made an astonishing discovery. He found a fish the size of a large SUV car. It was a remarkable find.

The Bumphead Sunfish

Tiny larval sunfish
Tiny larval sunfish look nothing like the adults. By G. David Johnson – An image featured on the website of the Australian Museum, CC BY-SA 3.0,

This giant fish turned out to be a Bumphead sunfish. It was 10.6 feet long and weighed 6,050 pounds. A true marvel of nature.

Largest Bony Fish

A Short Sunfish, Mola ramsayi, collected in Darling Harbour, Sydney Harbour, 12 December 1882. By Henry Barnes Snr / Australian Museum –, Public Domain,

The Bumphead sunfish is the largest living bony fish in the world. This record-breaking fish was a sight to behold for everyone involved.

Scientists Measure the Fish

Largest Sunfish
Sunfish via Unsplash

A team of Portuguese scientists helped bring the fish out of the water. They measured it and confirmed it as a world record holder. An incredible event.

The Injury

sunfish in real sea nature, mola mola luna sun saltwater fish via Depositphotos

Researchers discovered a large dent in the fish’s head, likely from a ship collision that led to its death. They examined its stomach contents and diagrammed its digestive tract.

How Was It Found?

Sunfish on sea surface while eating jellyfish. Image via Depositphotos.

The fisherman discovered the sunfish while out at sea. Though dead when found, the fish’s size and species made it an extraordinary catch.

What Was the Fisherman’s Reaction?

Image via Depositphotos.

The fisherman was stunned by the size of the fish. It was unlike anything he had ever seen, making it a memorable and unique experience.

Why Sunfish?

A Sunfish on sea surface while eating jellyfish hydrozoa velella. View of the big Mola Mola fish on a aquarium. Starfish Image via Depositphotos.

Sunfish got their name because they bask in the sun. They rely on the sun’s warmth to regulate their body temperature, especially after hunting.

What They Eat

Close-up of a poisonous box jellyfish. Image by dewald@dewaldkirsten on depositphotos.

Bumphead sunfish eat jellyfish, small fish, algae, and plankton. Despite jellyfish’s low nutritional value, their abundance helps sunfish avoid starvation.

Hunting Habits

By OpenCage – [1], CC BY-SA 2.5,

These fish are active predators. They often dive deep into chilly waters during the day to hunt, returning to the surface for warmth.

Nighttime Behavior

A sunfish caught in 1910, with an estimated weight of 1,600 kg (3,500 lb). By P.V. Reyes of Avalon, California. See: Peter Victor Reyes (1875-1950), photographer, on – Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division., Public Domain,

At night, sunfish rest and wait for the sun. Sometimes, they scavenge in warmer parts of their habitats. They are less active without sunlight.

Unique Appearance

Sunfish underwater while eating jellyfish velella. View of the big Mola Mola fish on a aquarium. Starfish Image via Depositphotos.

Bumphead sunfish have rectangular body scales and distinct bumps on their heads and chins. These features set them apart from other sunfish species.

Mistaken Identity

Pufferfish. Image by Vlad Tchompalov via Unsplash.

Sometimes, Bumphead sunfish are confused with pufferfish. Unlike pufferfish, sunfish are not poisonous. However, their size can still pose risks.

Sunfish and Ships

By Per-Ola Norman – Own work, Public Domain,

Sunfish can inadvertently bump into ships. In one instance, a sunfish slowed a ship’s speed from 14 to 11 knots. They are formidable in size.

Paint Removal Incident

Typical swimming position. By U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Public Domain,

A sunfish once wore off all the paint on a boat’s side. The fish, weighing about 3,000 pounds, got stuck and caused significant damage.

Average Size

Characteristic horizontal basking behavior. By National Marine Sanctuaries – GFNMS — Mola Mola, Public Domain,

Sunfish are typically large. They average around 5 feet 11 inches in body length and can weigh between 545 and 2,205 pounds. Truly gigantic fish.


Ocean sunfish (Mola mola), also known as the common mola. View of the big Mola Mola fish on a aquarium. Starfish Image via Depositphotos.

In captivity, ocean sunfish live around ten years. Their lifespan in the wild is unknown, but they grow rapidly, increasing in weight dramatically.

Marine Life in Azores

a pod of dolphins
Image via Unsplash

The Azores is home to many marine animals, including whales, dolphins, and various species of fish. It’s a rich and diverse marine environment.

Largest Fish Ever

Restoration based on modern interpretation of the fossils. By Dmitry Bogdanov – Own work,, CC BY 3.0,

The largest bony fish ever was the Leedsichthys problematicus. This ancient fish weighed about 45 tons and reached 55 feet in length.

Modern Giants

Whale shark
Each whale shark sports a unique checkerboard pattern of spots and stripes, aiding researchers in identifying individuals. Image by Gerald Schömbs via Unsplash.

The whale shark is the largest fish in the world today. It can grow up to 33 feet long and weigh around 41,887 pounds. A true ocean giant.

What Is a Sunfish?

By Fred Hsu (Wikipedia:User:Fredhsu on en.wikipedia) – Photo taken and uploaded by user, CC BY-SA 3.0,

A sunfish is a large bony fish known for basking in the sun. They are not dangerous to humans but can cause issues due to their size.


Ocean sunfish also known as mola fish swimming in water. View of the big Mola Mola fish on a aquarium. Starfish Image via Depositphotos.

The discovery of the Bumphead sunfish in the Azores is a remarkable event. This giant fish highlights the wonders of the ocean and its incredible diversity.

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