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Football Players Save a Mother Dog and Her Puppies During a Storm

Man rescues dog during a storm.
Man rescues dog during a storm. Image by The Dodo via YouTube

Watch on The Dodo: Two football players became real-life heroes when they helped rescue a mom and her puppies that had been left behind during a storm. The owners left their homes during the floods, leaving the mother and her puppies behind. Luckily, the football players braved the cold to rescue the dogs.

Braving the Storm

Cold mother dog rescued from floods.
Cold mother dog rescued from floods. Image by The Dodo via YouTube

The footballers did not realize how destructive the floods were until they drove around to rescue the dog. Although most of the neighborhood had been evacuated, they returned to brave the storm and saved a mother dog with her puppies. They had to walk through knee-deep water to reach the house where the dog waited.

YouTube video
“Football Players Rescue Mom And Puppies Left Behind During A Storm | The Dodo”, Source: Youtube, Uploaded: “The Dodo”

The Moment of Rescue

Mother meets her puppies
Mother meets her puppies. Image by The Dodo via YouTube

When they reached the house, the mother dog stood on the balcony, locked away from her babies. It was so cold that the rescuers exclaimed that she must be freezing. She nervously greeted the rescuers. Once the rescuers opened the door to rescue the puppies trapped inside, the mother dog hesitantly entered the house. The rescuers believe this is because she probably hadn’t been allowed in the house before.

The Adorable Puppies

Man rescues dog during a storm.
Man rescues dog during a storm. Image by The Dodo via YouTube

The puppies were locked up in the bathroom. The rescuers entered the bathroom and let the mom greet her puppies. They put the dogs in a basket to carry out through the water. One of the football players carried the puppies out in a basket, and the other carried the mother dog. Once they reached the car, the mother seemed satisfied to be safe with her babies in a warm car.

The Hungry Puppies

As soon as the mother and puppies were warm and safe, the puppies began suckling on the mother. They must have been so hungry!


The footballers’ actions remind us that even amid natural disasters, acts of kindness and bravery might make a big difference in a creature’s life. Never hesitate to extend a helping hand.

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