If you’re into fishing you know that there’s no end to the different types of baits and fishing gear that you can use. But sometimes less is more – this woman catches a massive fish (almost swallowing half of her arm) only using her hand and super simple bait: a hot dog.
Unconventional Baits Used for Fishing

While patience might be the most important thing you need for a successful fishing trip, your bait comes in as a close second. But if you’ve forgotten your standard worms, minnows, or synthetic lures, there are many unconventional baits that (allegedly) work just as well!
Pantry Cupboard Bait

Anglers also report that these odd items also do the trick: Corn, Fruit, Raisins, Mini marshmallows, Bacon, Cheese…….and Hotdogs? The woman only has to dangle the hotdog for a few seconds… The big fish appears to me to be a tarpon.

Tarpons (Megalops atlanticus) are large, silver fish found in Atlantic and Indo-Pacific waters. Known for their leaping ability, they can grow up to 8 feet long. Tarpons thrive in both saltwater and freshwater habitats. Fun fact: they have a unique swim bladder that allows them to gulp air, enabling them to survive in low-oxygen environments.
Catch & Release

The woman could have held on to the fish, but she let it go. I wonder if the fish told its friends about the yummy snack.
Did You Know That Fish Like the Smell of Coffee?

What’s better than waking up and smelling the coffee? Apparently fish agree with this, too. Or, to be more specific, it is not necessarily that they like the smell of coffee per se; it’s more that the coffee mask smells that they don’t like. Coffee allegedly masks unnatural odors, such as human scent or synthetic materials, which would let fish know that there’s something fishy going on – and therefore, stay away from your bait.
How to Catch a Fish with Your Bare Hands

Catching a fish with your bare hands, a method known as noodling. Noodling is an ancient technique requires even more patience than regular fishing, as well as speed, and a smidge of bravery. The key is to locate a fish in shallow water and gently nudge it into a position where you can grab it, usually by the mouth or gills.
Wrapping Up

Fancy bait and equipment apparently aren’t always needed for a successful fishing excursion – sometimes, it’s the simplest solutions that are the best ones. So, would you be brave enough to lure a fish with a hot dog using your bare arm?
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