Imagine setting out on a whale-watching trip and getting a surprise visit from a friendly gray whale! That’s exactly what happened to a group of marine biologists in Baja California Sur, Mexico, who found themselves face-to-face with a curious gray whale. This delightful encounter became a memorable highlight for the team.
A Whale-Come Visit
A group of marine biologists was guiding a trip in Baja California Sur, Mexico when they got a surprise visit! Out of nowhere, a gray whale popped its head out of the waves. This lone gray male approached the group as if old friends.
Open Wide

The whale immediately opened its mouth as if in excitement. This gave boatgoers the perfect view of its pearly-white bristly teeth. This is a particular joy for the group of marine biologists, getting to witness what they’ve studied up close and with their own eyes!
Friendly Pats

The friendly gray whale tried to get even closer by extending its top lip over the edge of the boat. The marine biologists in the boat couldn’t help but reach out and give the gray whale some affectionate pats on the top of its mouth while expressing their amazement. The marine biologist who filmed the encounter said that this was the best interaction they had had in 3 years with some of the colleagues never having such an experience in 10 years on the job.
Gray Whales’ Teeth
Gray whales are a type of baleen whale which means that they don’t technically have teeth. Instead, they have special baleen plates that are fitted with hundreds of bristles that almost resemble a toothbrush or comb. This allows them to hunt prey by opening their mouths wide, capturing large groups of fish with seawater, filtering out the water through the bristles, and preventing any prey from slipping through.
Gray Whales Are the Friendliest Whales

Gray whales have earned the title of the friendliest whales and even seem to enjoy interactions with humans, as seen in this adorable encounter. Gray whales are often seen swimming right up to whale-watching boats. Funny enough, this wasn’t always the case, as they were once nicknamed the ‘devil fish’ by whalers hunting them in the 19th century.
Gray Whales in Mexico
Baja California Sur is a hotspot for gray whales, particularly between January and March where you can witness their migration. This area is very important to their annual migration, as they go there to mate and give birth in lagoons in Mexico’s Baja Peninsula. The gray whales in this area are especially known for their friendliness, as one of the few places you can actually touch the gray whales.
Gray whales are not only remarkable for their unique feeding techniques but also for their friendly nature. The encounter in Baja California Sur is a perfect example of why these gray whales are considered the most sociable of their kind. The viral video showcases the amazing bond that can form between humans and these gentle giants.
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