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Heartbreakingly Terrified Puppy Encountered Extreme Cruelty

Screenshot from Puppy Who Went Through The Worst Gets The Best Life Ever | The Dodo. Source: YouTube, Uploaded: The Dodo

An innocent little puppy, Lucy, faced extreme cruelty and trauma at a very young age. She was terrified of everyone and everything, cowering away every minute of the day. A brutal life was all that she had known, the new acts of kindness were an unexpected change.

A Life Of Pain And Suffering

Screenshot from Puppy Who Went Through The Worst Gets The Best Life Ever | The Dodo. Source: YouTube, Uploaded: The Dodo

Little puppy Lucy was thrust into the depths of human brutality soon after birth. In certain places and cultures worldwide, dog meat is a culinary tradition. This is the world that poor Lucy got trapped in. Tiny, terrified, and in terrible condition, Lucy was on the verge of no return…..until her life took a turn.

The Cost Of Cruelty

Screenshot from Puppy Who Went Through The Worst Gets The Best Life Ever | The Dodo. Source: YouTube, Uploaded: The Dodo

Lucy was one of the more fortunate ones, she was rescued from this brutal and cruel life. She was truly a heartbreaking sight. Lucy had a piece of string tied around her nose and mouth, she was severely emaciated, and could barely stand up. Her wonderful rescuers rushed her straight to the vet, where she stayed for the next 30 days.

Desperate For Care But Shrouded In Fear

Screenshot from Puppy Who Went Through The Worst Gets The Best Life Ever | The Dodo. Source: YouTube, Uploaded: The Dodo

Lucy was moved into the perfect foster home. Her new mother was patient and loving, which was exactly what Lucy needed. Still terrified, Lucy wouldn’t eat. She stayed hidden in a corner and would snap if someone tried to touch her.

Hope In The Midst Of Despair

Screenshot from Puppy Who Went Through The Worst Gets The Best Life Ever | The Dodo. Source: YouTube, Uploaded: The Dodo

After days of patience and many different kinds of food, Lucy decided that cat food was something she was willing to try. Finally eating, her foster mum continued to be incredibly patient, taking each step slowly and never rushing Lucy into anything. Her bed was slowly moved, week by week, around the house from bathroom to bedroom, as Lucy became more comfortable in her new surroundings.

The Journey Of Love And Healing

Screenshot from Puppy Who Went Through The Worst Gets The Best Life Ever | The Dodo. Source: YouTube, Uploaded: The Dodo

8 weeks later Lucy began to play with her foster siblings. This moment was such a milestone that it instantly brought tears to her new mum’s eyes. Lucy had grown so much. Her curiosity grew and slowly she began to go to her foster mum for strokes, quickly learning how much she enjoyed belly rubs. The connection was so strong, between the dogs and the owner, that giving Lucy up for adoption was not an option. Lucy had traveled through the worst and was now in her forever home. A home full of the love, care, and safety that she had always needed.

YouTube video
Puppy Who Went Through The Worst Gets The Best Life Ever | The Dodo. Source: YouTube, Uploaded: The Dodo