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Huge Alligator Spotted Eating Another Alligator in South Carolina

alligator eats another alligator
Image by 10 Tampa Bay via YouTube

Being apex predators in any ecosystem they inhabit, alligators have very little to fear. Nothing except their own kind that is – scroll down to watch this video of an alligator eating another alligator for its daily snack.

South Carolina’s Gator Population

Image via Depositphotos

South Carolina is known for its robust alligator population, primarily found in marshes, rivers, and lakes.

The state is home to roughly 100,000 alligators, making it one of the most alligator infested states in the United States. They’re so plentiful that the state even has a alligator hunting season (running from September to October) to manage the large number of gators in the area. 

At the same time it should be underlined that they serve a crucial role in the South Carolina’s ecosystem – as all apex predators do.

Compared to Other U.S. States

Compared to the rest of the country, South Carolina is ranked fifth with its gator population of 100,000. They’re outranked by Louisiana (2,000,000), Florida (1,300,000), Texas (400,000), and Georgia (200,000).

The Video: Alligator Eating Another Alligator

YouTube video
“Huge alligator eats another gator in South Carolina”, Source: YouTube, Uploaded: 10 Tampa Bay

Is Alligator Cannibalism Common?

While it may seem unusual, cannibalism among alligators is not rare. The laws that rule nature are way harsher than the ones that govern our human societies.

This behavior is more about territorial disputes and population control than predation. Larger alligators will sometimes eat smaller ones to reduce competition for food and space, ensuring the stronger genes continue within the population.

How Often Do Alligators Eat?

Image by Gaetano Cessati via Unsplash

Feeding habits of alligators are varied, but as a general rule they don’t eat very often. They have an ability to thrive in a feast or famine environment, often going weeks or months between substantial meals. This ability is particularly useful during colder months or in environments where food is not always plentiful.

Alligator Eats Another Alligator: Wrapping Up

Florida Alligator Crossing the Road
Florida Alligator Crossing the Road. Image by Setas via Depositphotos

Wildlife is truly wild – and it has to be when every day is a fight for survival. As an alligator you don’t have many enemies, but your own kind could very much be.

Thank you for reading this article about the huge alligator who eats another alligator!