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Hummingbird Season in America

Ruby-throated hummingbird in the garden
Ruby-throated hummingbird in the garden Image by bolina via depositphotos

This adorable little girl getting dressed up as a flower to attract hummingbirds left us here at AATG in stitches! All the patience and effort she put into meeting one of these stunning birds is admirable, to say the least. Let’s look into the hummingbird migration in America, and how you can lure them into your garden during the spring. 

Hummingbird Migration

These migratory birds spend their winters in Central America and migrate back to their breeding areas as soon as spring flowers bloom. This means these fluttering birds are making their way up to North America now! Making the early summer months the ideal time to witness their beauty and unique characteristics. 

How Many Hummingbird Species Can Be Seen In America? 

Ruby-throated Hummingbird.
Ruby-throated Hummingbird. Image via Depositphotos.

There are about 17 hummingbird species that call the United States their home. Those most commonly seen include the Ruby-throated hummingbird, Anna’s hummingbird, Allen’s hummingbird, and the Rufous hummingbird. Can you think of any other? 

What Colours Attract Hummingbirds? 

Red seems to be a favorite among hummingbirds! This might be because this color represents nectar-rich flowers to these birds. Other colors they find attractive include pink, orange, and yellow. Bright and bold colors for bright and bold birds! 

What Should You Put In Your Birdfeeder? 

Hummingbird’s yearly gratitude
Hummingbird’s yearly gratitude. Image via Depositphotos

You can fill your feeder with a one-part sugar and 4 parts water mixture. This sweet mixture will attract and keep hummingbirds in your garden. Just remember to clean the feeder every other day to prevent any mold growth! 

Enjoy Hummingbird Season

YouTube video
Nature-loving kid wears special feeder to get close to hummingbird. Source: Youtube, Uploaded: ABC7News

We hope that you come across many of these unique and interesting hummingbird species over the next few months! If you find any creative ways to attract these birds, please share them with us in the comments! We would love to see what you come up with.

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