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Lion’s Lick Tourists Tent

lion licks tent

Imagine lions waking you up by licking your tent. Well, that’s exactly what a couple of tourists in Botswana experienced on a memorable morning.

In this article, we’ll delve into this extraordinary encounter, exploring the regularity of lion and human interactions in Botswana, describing the wake-up of a lifetime, pondering why lions lick rocks, and uncovering the fascinating details of the lion’s diet.

The Regularity of Lion and Human Encounters

Botswana, known for its stunning natural beauty and diverse wildlife, has a thriving lion population. Lions are apex predators in this region, and their territories often overlap with human settlements or tourist areas.

As a result, encounters between lions and humans are not uncommon, making Botswana a unique destination for wildlife enthusiasts seeking the thrill of experiencing these majestic creatures up close.

Tourists flock to Botswana’s national parks and game reserves to witness the awe-inspiring beauty of lions in their natural habitat. Safaris and camping trips are popular activities, offering visitors a chance to connect with nature and see the Big Five, including lions, in their element.

While sightings from a distance are relatively frequent, a close encounter like the one captured in the viral video is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

The Wake-Up of a Lifetime

Obstinate Lion Cub
Image of a lioness via Pexels

The viral video that took the internet by storm offers a breathtaking glimpse into the world of these incredible creatures. In the morning, after a downpour, a couple of wide-eyed tourists were in an extraordinary situation.

Their tent, bathed in the soft glow of the rising sun, was being gently explored by a few female lions. Initially frozen with fear, the campers soon realized these lions weren’t there to harm them. Instead, the big cats curiously licked the raindrops from the tent’s fabric.

In the video, the tourists whispered in awe and trepidation as they recorded the surreal encounter while witnessing the lions’ massive heads and velvety tongues through the tent mesh. This created an intimate and heart-stopping experience.

Although anyone in such a situation might feel primal fear, these tourists couldn’t deny the overwhelming sense of wonder as they became a part of something extraordinary, a memory etched into their hearts forever.

YouTube video
“Lions Licking Water off a Tent” Source: YouTube, Uploaded: Derick Clegg | Francie Lubbe

Why Do Lions Lick Tents?

Obstinate Lion Cub
Image of a lioness and her cub cuddling via Pexels

Licking behavior is not unusual for lions, extending beyond just tent fabrics. Like many other animals, lions use their tongues to gather information about their surroundings.

Licking allows them to taste and smell various objects, helping them better understand their environment.

Why lions so often lick rocks is a common question. The answer lies in the valuable minerals found on rocks.

These minerals serve as an essential dietary supplement for lions and other wildlife. They ingest trace minerals like calcium and sodium by licking rocks, which are vital for their overall health.

In the tent encounter context, the campers’ scent and accumulated rain likely attracted the lions. Curiosity led them to investigate the tent’s fabric.

Their tongues allowed them to explore foreign material like a human might touch and examine an unfamiliar object.

Carnivorous Kings of the Savanna

Lion (Panthera leo) lying down in Namibia.
Lion (Panthera leo) lying down in Namibia. By Kevin Pluck – Flickr: The King., CC BY 2.0,

Lions are iconic predators, often called the “kings of the savanna.” They primarily consume meat and gain renown for their cooperative hunting strategies, frequently collaborating to bring down larger prey.

In Botswana, their menu includes a variety of animals, ranging from antelope to buffalo, depending on the availability of prey in their territory.

Interestingly, lions are opportunistic feeders and will scavenge if the opportunity arises. They may steal kills from other predators or feast on the remains of animals that have died from natural causes. This adaptability is one of the reasons why lions have managed to survive and thrive in diverse ecosystems across Africa.

The tent encounter demonstrates the lions’ keen sense of smell and ability to detect even the faintest scent of potential food sources. Thankfully, in this case, their curiosity outweighed their hunger, sparing the campers a much more heart-pounding wake-up call.


Lions are the only cats that roar, which can be heard from as far as 5 miles away. Image by Frans Van Heerden via Pexels.

The captivating video of lions waking tourists in Botswana by licking their tent is a vivid reminder of the unpredictable beauty of the natural world. It vividly illustrates how humans and wildlife harmoniously coexist in this stunning African country, where close encounters with lions constitute both a possibility and a cherished memory in the making.

As we marvel at the courage and composure displayed by the tourists who captured this extraordinary moment, we’re reminded that our planet still harbors untamed wilderness, where the unexpected awaits just a heartbeat away.

This is a world in which lions lick rocks for vital minerals and, occasionally, tents out of curiosity for a taste of humanity. Thus, as you plan your next adventure, remember that you might experience the wake-up call of a lifetime, an unforgettable moment to treasure and share for years to come.

Latest posts by Alana Theron, BSc in Biodiversity and Ecology (see all)


Wednesday 13th of September 2023

The lions was lapping up the water thar accumulated on the tent.