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Don’t Try At Home: Man Chats With and Feeds a Brown Bear

Man Talking To a Brown Bear
Man Talking To a Brown Bear. Image from YouTube

A scene that wont appear in the wild like this. It is essential to emphasize that this article does not, under any circumstances, promote approaching, feeding, or interacting with wild animals.

Read along to have a look at the viral video!

Man & Brown Bear

Grizzly Bear walking through mountain meadow. Image via Depositphotos

This scene is quite wholesome – the man and the bear seem to be hanging out like old pals, casually teasing each other. But, and I cannot stress this enough, don’t try this at home.

Feeding a wild animal, especially a powerful creature like a brown bear, demands a considerable level of trust. With a composed demeanor, the man extended his hand, offering treats to the bear.

A Gentle Reminder

As apex predators, brown bears have few natural predators themselves. Image via Pexels

Wild animals, including bears, can exhibit unpredictable and potentially dangerous behavior. Such interactions can pose serious risks to both humans and the animals involved. It is imperative to prioritize safety and adhere to guidelines that ensure the well-being of both wildlife and people.

A Grizzly Creature

The objective of this article is to present an alternative perspective on an animal frequently depicted as fierce and intimidating. Its aim is to illuminate the more gentle and trusting aspects of the brown bear, offering a glimpse into a moment of understanding that is not commonly observed.

YouTube video
“Man Talking To Adult Brown Male Bear And Feeding Him Treats,” Source: YouTube, Uploaded: ViralSnare Rights Management

Always remember to exercise caution and respect the natural habitat of wildlife.

What do Brown Bears Eat?

Bear hidden in yellow forest. Image via Depositphoto

Brown bears are omnivorous and have a varied diet that includes fish, small mammals, carrion, fruits, nuts, and vegetation. They are particularly fond of salmon during spawning season.

Wednesday 25th of October 2023

Does no one notice the fence in the background? Bears don't just eat small mammals either. They will kill a elk or moose. Bears are very dangerous and should never be fed or baited. This author has no idea what she's talking about. Brown bears are circumpolar. Grizzly are a sub type so are Alaskan Brown bears.


Tuesday 26th of September 2023

Nothing wild about this - this is at a sanctuary and this bear was raised from a cub and could not be released. This is a huge furry (but still dangerous) pet.

This guy is some sort of bear expert, but he (hopefully) knows that bear could still easilly kill him - even if purely accidental.

Tim Treadwell lived among them for 14 years before they ate him, and there is the video of the massive bruin wandering up to sit by a fisherman on the river for a moment. These should NEVER be taken as the general rule or example.

Concerned outdoorsman

Thursday 7th of September 2023

Incredibly irresponsible of the person for feeding the bear and for you writing the article. Introduction to food sources is usually the reason we gave bear conflicts


Friday 1st of September 2023

That's not a wild bear it has been hand fed before. It sat down comfortably beside the man and even allowed the man to touch his face, they were acquainted before this encounter. The man has a trainer's pouch on. It is something he has obviously done before. Also that location looks like a zoo or enclosure, the bear is not wild as the article implies, which is dangerous misinformation that might lead to others thinking they can recreate this with a wild bear.. they cannot.

Mary C.

Wednesday 30th of August 2023

As cute as that video was with the bear, that could have turned deadly in an instant. So imo, he's and idiot wrapped in a moron.