In a world where dreams often remain just that, one man dared to transform fantasy into reality. Amid the bustling streets of Japan, whispers of an extraordinary tale began to circulate, captivating the imaginations of many. This is the story of Toko-San, a man whose passion and determination led him to spend a small fortune, not on luxury or status, but on a dream so wild and pure it could only belong to the realms of childhood wonder — the dream of becoming a dog.
A Dream Come True
Toko-San, a Japanese man, has gone viral for spending over $15,000 on a human-size collie costume. This costume allowed him to fulfill his lifelong dream of becoming a dog which he nicknamed “Good Boy”.
Where Did His Inspiration Come From?
Toko-San, the man behind the costume, shared his inspiration with local news. He loves quadrupedal animals, especially cute ones, and decided a dog would be the best fit. Collies, with their long hair, are his favorite breed because they can obscure the human figure.
The Lengthy Creation Process
You can imagine that creating the costume was not easy. Nevertheless Zeppet, a company known for making costumes for TV commercials and films, took on the challenge. After many trail and errors, the product was finalized after 40 days.
The Costume’s Design
The design of the costume was intricate. Zeppet had to adapt the dog’s skeletal structure to fit a human body. They studied photographs from multiple angles to replicate the collie’s coat.
Collie Cuteness
Toko-San chose a collie because he loves its natural look. He believed the long hair would help make the human figure less noticeable. This attention to detail was crucial for achieving a realistic appearance.
Canine Movements
In his collie costume, Toko-San performs various dog-like actions. He waves, rolls over, and plays fetch, mimicking real canine behavior. His movements are incredibly lifelike.
Going Viral
The man’s transformation into a man-sized collie has captivated the internet. Watch this video of him in the costume which has garnered more than 3,2 million views on YouTube. People were fascinated by the realistic design, and his utter dedication.
Reactions From The Public
The public’s reaction to Toko-San’s transformation has been mixed. While some find it impressive and adorable, others view it as frivolous or even creepy. The unusual hobby has sparked an ongoing widespread debate.
Furry Collie Community
Toko-San’s love for dressing as a dog isn’t entirely unique. The furry community, where members dress up as animals, is quite large. Many find joy and fun in this subculture.
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