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‘Man’s Best Friend’ Reacts To Your Stress

Pet animal; Jack Russell dog. Image via depositphotos.

Ever noticed your dog acting a bit down when you’re having a rough day? It turns out, your best animal friend might be picking up on more than just your body language – dogs have an incredible ability to smell the chemicals your body releases during stress, and it affects them emotionally. This connection isn’t just fascinating—it’s a testament to the deep bond we share with our furry friends. Let’s dive into how this remarkable sense of smell works and what it means for you and your loyal companion.

Dogs and Their Response to Human Stress

Border Collie. Image by Judithdz via Depositphotos

Researchers conducted a study on dogs and their response to a human stressing. They found out that dogs can detect stress through the odor your body releases when experiencing a stressful situation. The study confirmed dogs’ reaction towards the smell.

The Conduction of The Study

Image by Sara Kurfess via Unsplash

The researchers used 18 different dog breeds and their owners. They collected sweat and breath samples 11 people who were unfamiliar with the dogs. These samples were taken during the recreation of stressful experiences such as public speaking. Dogs were then exposed to these odor samples.

Dogs Can Smell Your Stress

Golden retriever dog hunter chases in pond at autumn park. Image by tan4ikk via Depositphotos

Dogs have an amazing sense of smell and can detect changes in your body. When you’re stressed, they detect the odor in your sweat which has high levels of the hormone cortisol, then they act to it emotionally. Not only can dogs smell stress, but they can detect diseases too.

How Dogs Sense Stress

Shetland Sheepdog running fast in green grass. Image by oov via Depositphotos.

When you’re stressed, your body releases certain chemicals and hormones through sweat. Dogs smell these chemicals which alerts their mood. Dogs’ nature is loyal, kind, and understanding, they can feel your emotions and react to it.

The Emotional Response

Dog Who Spent 886 Days In Shelter

Dogs don’t just notice stress; they feel it. A professor emeritus at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine suggests that the smell of stress may have reduced the dogs’ appetite to hunger. Based on verbal and visual clues in the behavior of dogs, it shows that they have empathy with our emotions.

Dogs’ Reactions to Stress

dog putting paw on owner
Dog putting paw on owner. Image by Daniel Martins via Unsplash.

Participants experienced a stressful and a relaxing scenario in which their sweat samples were taken on a cloth. The dogs smelled both samples and showed signs of sadness when they smelled the cloth that collected sweat from the stressful situation. They became less active and also sought more comfort from their owners.

Why This Matters

Bulldog. Image via Deposit Photos.

Understanding this can improve our bond with dogs. It shows how deeply they connect with us, the study showed that dogs are more pessimistic when they are aware that people are in a stressful situation. Knowing how man’s best friends react to our emotions can help us care for them better.

Practical Implications

Screenshot from: Funny Dogs Who Look Like Their Owners. Source: YouTube. Uploaded: edinarocks.

We can use this knowledge in training. It can help in therapy settings. Dogs can assist people with anxiety, see how dogs can resemble their owners.

Man’s Best Friend

Screenshot from: Funny Dogs Who Look Like Their Owners. Source: YouTube. Uploaded: edinarocks.

Dogs are very tuned in to their owners and they can pick up on subtle changes. This makes them great companions, and one of the reasons why they are known as “Man’s best friend”.

Helping Stressed Dogs

Pet animal; Jack Russell dog. Image via depositphotos.

As a dog owner you are aware if your dog seems stressed, try to stay calm in this situation because your mood effects them directly. Petting your companion can help them to calm down. Your comfort and reassurance relaxes them in stressful situations.

Future Research

Shelter Dog Sits By The Door Waiting For Someone To Save Him Before Time Runs Out. Image by shelterdogsofaz via TikTok
Shelter Dog Sits By The Door Waiting For Someone To Save Him Before Time Runs Out. Image by shelterdogsofaz via TikTok

Researchers want to understand this connection better to help us become better friend to our dogs, just as they are for us. Knowing that your stress has an effect on your companion explains subtly why dogs are used for therapy. Within your dog’s presence you will try to remain calm so that your dog’s behavior can remain controlled.