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Massive Alligator Blocks Florida Air Force Base

WATCH: Gator caught at MacDill Air Force Base. Source: YouTube, Channel: ABC Action News

An alligator caused a surprising delay at MacDill Air Force Base in Florida. The reptile decided to rest on the tarmac, blocking an Air Force plane.

Massive Alligator on the Tarmac

WATCH: Gator caught at MacDill Air Force Base. Source: YouTube, Channel: ABC Action News

The alligator was quite large, making its presence even more daunting. It was spotted by the base personnel during routine checks.

A Wildlife Surprise

WATCH: Gator caught at MacDill Air Force Base. Source: YouTube, Channel: ABC Action News

Seeing wildlife on the base is not uncommon, but an alligator on the runway is rare. This incident added excitement to the day.

Base Personnel Take Action

WATCH: Gator caught at MacDill Air Force Base. Source: YouTube, Channel: ABC Action News

Base personnel quickly responded to the situation. They contacted the appropriate wildlife authorities for assistance.

The Alligator’s Leisurely Stroll

WATCH: Gator caught at MacDill Air Force Base. Source: YouTube, Channel: ABC Action News

The alligator seemed in no hurry to move. It basked in the sun, oblivious to the disruption it was causing.

Expert Help Arrives

WATCH: Gator caught at MacDill Air Force Base. Source: YouTube, Channel: ABC Action News

Wildlife experts were called in to handle the situation. Their expertise was crucial in safely removing the alligator.

Capturing the Reptile

WATCH: Gator caught at MacDill Air Force Base. Source: YouTube, Channel: ABC Action News

The wildlife team carefully approached the alligator. They used special equipment to capture it without causing harm.

Safely Removing the Alligator

WATCH: Gator caught at MacDill Air Force Base. Source: YouTube, Channel: ABC Action News

Once captured, the alligator was safely transported away from the runway. This ensured the safety of both the reptile and the base personnel.

Releasing the Alligator

WATCH: Gator caught at MacDill Air Force Base. Source: YouTube, Channel: ABC Action News

The captured alligator was released into a nearby river. This was done to return it to its natural habitat.

An Unharmed Alligator

Alligator. Image via Depositphotos.

The alligator was unharmed during the entire process. The wildlife team ensured it was safely relocated.

A Day to Remember

Alligator. Image via Depositphotos.

The incident was a memorable one for the base personnel. It’s not every day you see an alligator blocking a plane.

Social Media Buzz

Alligator. Image via Depositphotos.

Photos and videos of the incident quickly spread on social media. People were fascinated by the unusual event.

A Lesson in Wildlife Management

Alligator. Image via Depositphotos.

The incident highlighted the importance of wildlife management on the base.

A Calm and Collected Response

An large alligator look up the see if there are any food ready, with the sharp teeth via DepostiPhotos
An large alligator look up the see if there are any food ready, with the sharp teeth via Depositphotos

Their professionalism ensured a quick resolution.

A Unique Air Force Experience

Alligator. Image via Depositphotos.

It’s not every day that a plane is delayed by an alligator.