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Massive Hammerhead Shark Circles 2 Paddle Boarders off the Coast of Florida

Shark Circles Paddle Boarders in Terrifying Footage

A paddle boarder has spoken out after footage of her went viral showing a shark circling her board.

Unexpected Encounter in the Ocean

Shark Circles Paddle Boarders in Terrifying Footage

Malea Tribble experienced a heart-stopping moment when a shark began circling her paddle board between the Bahamas and Lake Worth, Florida.

Viral Footage Captures the Incident

Shark Circles Paddle Boarders in Terrifying Footage

Footage of the incident, shared on social media, shows Malea remaining calm while her husband, Ricky, ushers her back inland.

An Eerie Fin Emerges

Shark Circles Paddle Boarders in Terrifying Footage

Malea initially dismissed taps on her board as seaweed but soon realized it was a shark.

Husband’s Reaction Sparks Realization

3D rendering of shark fin above water, with blue sky background. Hammerhead Shark Image via Depositphoto

Upon spotting the shark fin, Ricky’s reaction confirmed Malea’s fears about the predator below.

Shark’s Curiosity

Hammerhead sharks
A large hammerhead in the congregation. Source: YouTube, Channel: Netflix

The shark, possibly a hammerhead, circled Malea’s board out of curiosity.

Remaining Calm Under Pressure

A hammerhead shark in malpelo island Colombia. Image via depositphotos.

Despite the danger, Malea and her husband kept their cool, providing a valuable lesson in handling such encounters.

Another Paddle Boarder in Danger

Hammerhead Shark Image via Depositphoto

Another paddle boarder, Gabe, found himself in the shark’s path but managed to stay safe.

Onlookers’ Desperate Shouts

Hammerhead shark in the aquarium. The great hammerhead (Sphyrna mokarran) is the largest species of hammerhead shark, belonging to the family Sphyrnidae. Atlantis, Sanya, island Hainan, China. Hammerhead Shark Image via Depositphoto

Onlookers shouted at Gabe to stay still, speculating about the shark species.

A Close Call

Hammerhead Shark Image via Depositphoto

The shark eventually lost interest, allowing Gabe to paddle back to safety.

Reflecting on the Ordeal

great hammerhead shark
A Great Hammerhead (Sphyrna mokarran) in Bimini, Bahamas. Image by ratherton via

Malea shared her thoughts on the experience, emphasizing the importance of remaining calm.

A Lesson in Ocean Safety

A hammerhead shark in malpelo island Colombia. Image via depositphotos.

The incident highlights the need to respect marine life and stay vigilant while in the ocean.

Paddle Boarders’ Composure Praised

hammerhead closeup
Tracking of a female hammerhead. Source: YouTube, Channel: Netflix

Travis Suit, founder of The Crossing For CF event, praised Malea and Ricky for their calm response.

Respecting Marine Life

Hammerhead (Sphryna lewinii) swimming in the blue
Hammerhead (Sphryna lewinii) swimming in the blue. Image via Depositphotos

Suit reminded everyone that the ocean is the sharks’ home, and encounters should be expected.

Hammerhead Shark Statistics

Hammerhead Shark Image via Depositphoto

The International Shark Attack File records 18 non-fatal unprovoked incidents with hammerhead sharks.

No Fatal Hammerhead Attacks

Large school of hammerhead sharks in the deep blue Pacific ocean waters. Image via Depositphotos.

No deaths have resulted from encounters with hammerhead sharks, according to the data.

The Importance of Ocean Awareness

Scalloped hammerhead
Scalloped Hammerhead Shark Sphyrna Lewini. Image by Kris Mikael Krister, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The incident underscores the need for awareness and caution while enjoying ocean activities.

A Reminder to Stay Calm

hammerheads in Cocos Island

The viral footage serves as a reminder to stay calm and composed during unexpected wildlife encounters.

Preparing for the Unexpected

Hammerhead mating
Hammerhead gathering to choose mates. Source: YouTube, Channel: Netflix

Malea’s experience is a valuable lesson in preparing for the unexpected while paddle boarding.

Respecting the Ocean’s Inhabitants

Hammerhead in sea
Hammerheads have super sensory abilities. Source: YouTube, Channel: Netflix

Tourists and paddle boarders are urged to respect marine life and follow safety guidelines.

Next Up:

Half-Ton Hammerhead Caught and Released Off South Carolina Coast (13 feet long)