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Meet The Largest Alpaca Baby

baby alpaca
Image by Jen FItschen

We visited the Alpaca Loom yesterday and we were stoked to hear about the largest alpaca baby being born. A whopping 12.2 kilograms. We even got to meet the baba which was very cute!

Compared to the Norm

Generally alpacas weigh between 7–11 kilograms. So you can see why this 12.2 baby was rather surprising in comparison.


This special alpaca baby was born near Paarl, in South Africa. Near Paarl, there is a place called the Alpaca Loom. The have a lovely vibe, with a feeding and petting pen. They have very informative tours and talks, all about the alpacas. They shave them for their wool and make amazing products on site.

Health and Development

You will be glad to know that the baby is growing bigger day by day. It is healthy and development is on track. Fortunately nothing has been hindered due to its larger size.


Introducing the parents of the largest alpaca baby. They particularly average. Not larger than the average alpaca themselves, so the baby’s size is a bit unexpected.

Wrapping Up with the Largest Alpaca Baby

Let me know if you have seen a larger newly born alpaca in the comments below.

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