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Orangutan Rescues Drowning Bird at Zoo and Then They Became Friends

Orangutan Rescues Drowning Bird
Image via the DODO

The footage reveals how this Orangutan went to great lengths to save a drowning bird.

orangutan baby
By M yudan nurrahman – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Orangutans are known for their high intelligence. This becomes clear as we watch the video. It also highlights the orangutan’s capacity for compassion and creativity. Consequently, making them a fascinating and relatable species.

The Formation of an Unlikely Friendship

Orangutan. Image by Chuttersnap via Unsplash.

After the successful rescue, the interaction between the Orangutan and the bird does not simply end. The video captures a gentle and curious exchange, suggesting the beginning of a friendly bond.

In the wild, orangutans are somewhat solitary but also known to have complex social relationships.

The care exhibited by the Orangutan towards the bird reflects an understanding of the need for connection.

Implications for Conservation

Orangutan in their natural habitat. Image via Depositphotos

I would like to take this moment to highlight the struggles this species faces daily.

As there is an excessive oil demand and production in our global economy. The Orangutan’s natural habitat has shrunk and population drastically decreased.

Consequently, there is an urgent need for conservation efforts to protect them and their habitats.
Furthermore, this type of video challenges us to acknowledge and recognize the intelligence and emotional capabilities of animals.

Hence, the rescue effort of the Orangutan reminds us that animals’ emotional lives can be rich and complex.

The Video

YouTube video
“Zoo Orangutan Rescues Drowning Bird” Source: YouTube, Uploaded: The Dodo

Let me know what you thought about this Orangutan Rescuing the Drowning Bird in the comments!

Pauline Pujol

Thursday 11th of April 2024

I am an Animal Rights' Activist.

Beautiful story. Thank you very much.