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10 Most Popular Pets Living in New York City

The Largest Dog (Old English Mastiff) Ever Recorded
Credit: YouTube Happy Puppy

With World Pet Day approaching, curiosity piqued about the favorite animal companions residing in the bustling streets of New York City. What types of pets capture the hearts of New Yorkers, and what are these beloved creatures up to in their ample leisure time—something pet owners know all too well is virtually every moment of the day? Here, without further ado, are the 10 most popular pets living in New York City, showcasing a diverse array of critters and their charming city life antics.

1. French Bulldog

french bulldog
Image via Unsplash

2. Golden Retriever

The golden retriever standing playing on the grass. Image via depositphotos.

3. Poodle

Shot of Three Miniature French Poodles on Chair. Image by jmpaget on Deposit Photos
Shot of Three Miniature French Poodles on Chair. Image by jmpaget on Deposit Photos

4. Russian Blue Cat

Russian Blue Cat
Credit: CBS

5. Goldfish


Image: Unsplash

6. Guinea Pigs

guinea pig top 10 pet animals in india
Image by Jaroslaw Slodkiewicz via

7. Rabbits

Baby Rabbits
Two brown rabbits isolated on white background.

8. Bulldog

Fawn colored French Bulldog puppies. The number 1 most popular dog breed in the US.
Fawn colored Bulldog puppies. The number 1 most popular dog breed in the US. Image by IgorChus via
Deposit Photos

9. Dachshund

Image by fremoo1918 via Pixabay

10. Main Coon Cat

Maine Coon
Maine Coon cat on antique chair. Image by nikkytok via

Let me know what you thought about this list of pets living in New York in the comments!

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