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Pit Bull Dogs Destroy Car and Cause $3,000 of Damage

pit bull dogs destroy car
Image by @Inside Edition via YouTube

Sure, we know that Pit Bulls are one of the strongest doggos out there – but did you know that these dogs are strong enough to destroy a car?

  • Pit Bulls have a bite force of 235 psi
  • Security footage captures two dogs tearing a SUV apart
  • The damage they caused resulted in a bill of $3,000

How Strong Are Pit Bulls?

Pitbull. Image by Duncan Sanchez via Unsplash

Pit bulls are renowned for their powerful build and strength. Compared to other breeds, they have a considerable biting force of up to 235 pounds! While a measurement like 235 pounds might be difficult to understand, the way the dogs in the video are able to tear a car (metal and rubber and all!) gives you a pretty good idea of what an immense force this is. 

Bear in mind, though, that despite this, they’re not the breed with the strongest bite force! They’re outranked by both the German Shepherd and Rottweiler.

Are Pit Bulls Engineered to Have a Hunting Instinct?

Pitbull via Unsplash
Image via Unsplash

Historically, pit bulls were bred for bull-baiting and later as farm dogs, which may explain their intense hunting instincts. Today, while they are primarily kept as pets, this behavior remains in their DNA.

However, the most dominant factor is how they are raised. Pit Bulls also have the capacity to be loving cuddle partners.

It’s all about socialization, so if a Pit Bull is aggressive, it’s the owner who should be blamed. 

Owner Uncovers Her Wrecked Car

The following morning, Christie Barr, the owner of the SUV, found her wrecked car. Had it not been for her security footage, there’s no way we ever would’ve known that the culprits have a tail and four paws. The damages they managed to cause add up to a hefty $3,000.

The Video

YouTube video
Dogs Cause $3,000 in Car Damage After Trying to Catch Cat”, Source: Youtube, Uploaded: Inside Edition

Dogs Guilty as Charged

The local animal control has been notified and is currently searching for the two dogs, which they haven’t been able to identify. Whether they are strays or pets, their aggressive behavior is highly worrisome and a potential threat to the community.

Pit Bull Dogs Destroy Car: Wrapping Up

While I don’t want to add to pit bulls’ bad reputation (the breed can also be incredibly loving and cuddly, by all means) but this video does highlight how freakishly strong they can be.

Thank you for reading this article about the pit bull dogs who destroy a car! Read more about pit bulls here: