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Preemie Kitten Loves Being Held Like A Baby

Meet Javi
Meet Javi. Screenshot from Preemie Kitten Loves Being Held Like A Baby, Source: YouTube, Uploaded: The Dodo

When Javi was born, he was no bigger than his rescuer’s thumb. Weighing just 78 grams at three days old, his small size didn’t diminish his spirit. He was bottle-fed, burped, and showered with love. Over time, he found comfort in being held like a baby, where he felt safe and warm.

The First Days

Javi getting bottle-fed
Javi getting bottle-fed. Screenshot from Preemie Kitten Loves Being Held Like A Baby, Source: YouTube, Uploaded: The Dodo

Javi’s first few days were challenging. He needed round-the-clock care and feeding. At 78 grams, his survival depended on careful monitoring. Bottle-feeding was a routine, and his rescuer made sure he received all the attention he needed. With belly rubs, kisses, and cuddles, Javi slowly gained weight. By one week, he reached 89 grams.

Potty Time and Sass

Javi loving tummy tickles
Javi loving tummy tickles. Screenshot from Preemie Kitten Loves Being Held Like A Baby, Source: YouTube, Uploaded: The Dodo

Despite his tiny frame, Javi had a big personality, especially during potty time. He was known for being sassy, making it clear when he wasn’t in the mood. His rescuer found humor in Javi’s attitude, as even the smallest creatures can show boldness. This sass only added to his charm, making him even more endearing.

Growing Stronger

As the weeks went by, Javi continued to grow. By four weeks, he learned to use the litter box, marking a significant milestone in his development. His bottle-feeding sessions were replaced with more independence, yet his need for cuddles never faded. Javi always loved being close to his rescuer, cradled gently like a baby.

Bonding Over Cuddles

Javi loving cuddles
Javi loving cuddles. Screenshot from Preemie Kitten Loves Being Held Like A Baby, Source: YouTube, Uploaded: The Dodo

Through every stage of his growth, one thing remained constant—Javi’s love for being held. It became a routine for his rescuer to cradle him, keeping him safe and calm. The bond they formed was undeniable. Javi’s favorite place was always close to his human, snuggled in their arms, basking in warmth and security.

A Happy Ending

By Christmas of 2023, Javi had found his forever home. His transformation from a tiny preemie to a lively kitten was nothing short of incredible. Though he was now a bit bigger and stronger, he never outgrew his love for being held like a baby. In his new home, he still finds comfort in those cherished moments.

The Video

YouTube video
Preemie Kitten Loves Being Held Like A Baby, Source: YouTube, Uploaded: The Dodo

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