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Pup Couldn’t Stop Smiling At Her Very Own Party!

Pup Couldn’t Stop Smiling At Her Very Own Party!
Screenshot from Kona turned 7 this weekend. Source: Youtube, Uploaded: MakoandKonasMom

The sweetest pup, Kona, loves any kind of celebration! And who can blame her? Parties are awesome! But nothing comes to her pure joy when she is finally thrown her own birthday party! Read on to see the video of this adorable face. 

Meet The Life Of The Party: Kona

Pup Couldn’t Stop Smiling At Her Very Own Party!
Screenshot from Kona turned 7 this weekend. Source: Youtube, Uploaded: MakoandKonasMom

Kona, a pittie mix, was once a rescue but for the last 7 years, she has been a part of a loving home. Her human mom, Collyn, says that from the moment Kona came home, she filled the house with delight and laughter. And is always ready to play with anyone willing! 

The Biggest Heart

Puppies on a bench from unsplash
Puppies on a bench from unsplash

Kona got a baby brother, Mako, when she was about a year old. She immediately showed affection to her new sibling – even taking care of him when her parents needed a break! And when her amazing and caring parents decided to foster puppies who needed help, Kona stepped up. Making sure everyone around her was cared for, without neglecting her beloved humans!

Party Lover

Cute dog with colorful party hat and blow-out celebrating at a birthday party. Image by RuthBlack via

One thing about this happy pup is that she loves celebrating! Whether it is a casual get-together or getting dressed up for Halloween, her excitement is unmatched! But the cutest has to be the day she decided to crash her parents’ wedding. Her love for celebrations got an idea brewing in her mom… it his time for this pup’s very own party!

Surprise Party! 

Pup Couldn’t Stop Smiling At Her Very Own Party!
Screenshot from Kona turned 7 this weekend. Source: Youtube, Uploaded: MakoandKonasMom

On her 7th birthday, Kona got her very own first-ever surprise party! She wore a pink birthday bandana and a pink glittery tiara AND got to spend the day with everyone she loved. This special girl also got her very own doggy birthday cake while everyone gathered to sing to her. No wonder she couldn’t wipe the smile off her face. 

One Happy And Loved Pup

YouTube video
Kona turned 7 this weekend. Source: Youtube, Uploaded: MakoandKonasMom

We can think of no one more deserving of a surprise party than Kona, with her huge heart, loving personality, and of course, her love for celebration! And her uncontrollable excitement and joy just show how much this pup loved every second. Kona is definitely a pup worth celebrating!

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