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Puppies Abandoned on Thrown-Out Mattress Never Left Each Other’s Side

Puppy in need.
Puppy in need. Image by Silverstray Social via Facebook

A man walking his dog through Gary, Indiana, stumbled upon an unsettling sight. Among a pile of thrown-out mattresses, there was movement. When he got closer, he realized what he was looking at—six abandoned puppies. They were huddled together, no mother in sight, clinging to each other for comfort in the harsh surroundings.

Calling for Help

Where they were left
Where they were left. Image by Silverstray Social via Facebook

Unsure of what to do, the man quickly called Silverstray Social, an organization dedicated to rescuing animals in need. It was the Friday evening before Memorial Day, and most of the team had wrapped up their work. Yet, upon hearing about the puppies, they jumped into action, ready to offer assistance where it was desperately needed.

Initial Rescue Efforts

Makeshift kennel
Makeshift kennel. Image by Silverstray Social via Facebook

A volunteer named Layce arrived on the scene, where the man had already made a makeshift kennel to keep the puppies safe. The sight that greeted Layce was heartbreaking. The puppies were severely underweight, and their bones showed through their skin. The rescuers initially guessed the puppies were no more than two months old based on their frail condition.

Surprising Discovery

Upon closer inspection, the rescue team realized these puppies weren’t two months old—they were six months old. The malnutrition had stunted their growth so severely that they looked like much younger dogs. It was a shocking revelation that underscored just how dire their situation had been. The puppies had been neglected for much longer than anyone expected.

New Beginnings

Finally safe
Adopt me. Image by Silverstray Social via Facebook

After their rescue, the puppies were transferred to a foster organization called Guardians of the Green Mile. Overnight, they stayed with a volunteer before heading to their new temporary home. Already, in the days following their rescue, the puppies began to regain weight and energy. They showed signs of recovery, with a spark returning to their eyes.

A Brighter Future

Silverstray Social emphasizes providing resources to the community to prevent situations like this from happening again. Their services extend beyond rescue—they offer free spaying, neutering, vaccines, and more. The puppies, once abandoned, are now safe and gaining strength. Thanks to timely intervention, they’ll have a chance at the life they deserve.

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