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Impressive Raccoon Orders Donut From Florida Drive-Through

Image by Sam Guptill via Youtube

On May 7, TikTok user Samantha Jane Guptill shared a video of a raccoon at a Dunkin’ drive-thru in Florida. The clip went viral quickly.

Patiently Waiting

Image by Sam Guptill via Youtube

The raccoon waited at the window, showing remarkable patience. Guptill and another person watched in amusement, giggling and filming the unexpected scene.

A Surprising Encounter

Image by Sam Guptill via Youtube

“What in the world?” Guptill exclaimed. She wondered if the raccoon would get a doughnut. The Dunkin’ worker moved around inside.

The Doughnut Delivery

Image by Sam Guptill via Youtube

Finally, the worker handed a vanilla-frosted doughnut to the raccoon. The raccoon received it with dexterous fingers, placing it in its mouth.

A Polite Raccoon

Image by Sam Guptill via Youtube

The raccoon’s polite behavior was surprising. It took the doughnut gently, showing manners not expected from a wild animal in such a situation.

Social Media Reactions

Image by Sam Guptill via Youtube

Guptill’s video amassed over 21 million views and 4 million likes. Comments on TikTok and Facebook expressed joy and amusement at the raccoon’s antics.

Unexpected Regular

Image by Sam Guptill via Youtube

Many commenters believed this wasn’t the raccoon’s first visit. Raccoons can remember tasks for years, suggesting the raccoon might return often.

Other Raccoon Adventures

Image by Sam Guptill via Youtube

This isn’t the first raccoon making headlines. In 2019, one broke into a vending machine. In 2020, a pair tried to enter a bank.

Commercial Potential

Image by Sam Guptill via Youtube

Viewers suggested Dunkin’ use the raccoon video for a commercial. The raccoon’s behavior was endearing, making it a perfect mascot for the brand.

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What Do Raccoons Eat?

Image by Sam Guptill via Youtube

Raccoons are omnivores. They eat fruits, nuts, insects, small animals, and even human leftovers. Their diet is varied and adaptable to different environments.


Image by Sam Guptill via Youtube

This polite raccoon’s drive-thru visit brought joy to many. Its unexpected manners and the viral video remind us of the surprising behaviors in nature.

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Image by Sam Guptill via Youtube

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