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Ragdoll Finds Love Again After Being Left Behind By His Family

Ragdoll Finds Love Again After Being Left Behind By His Family
Ragdoll Finds Love Again After Being Left Behind By His Family. Image by Forsterkittys via Instagram

Hold onto your hats, what you’re about to read is a heartbreaking story about Valentino, a beautiful Ragdoll feline. When he found himself outside his own home after his family packed their bags and moved away.

Lone Warrior

Ragdoll Finds Love Again After Being Left Behind By His Family
Ragdoll Finds Love Again After Being Left Behind By His Family. Image by Forsterkittys via Instagram

Without an ounce of compassion, Valentino’s ex-owners abandoned him. They left him all alone to take care of himself. So, Valentino roamed the streets of his neighborhood alone, going from one house to another, hoping to find someone willing to take him under their wing or at least something to eat! then one day, a seasoned foster mom, Debbie Harris, received a call from her coworker. She asked Debbie if she could take in a homeless neighborhood cat.

According to her coworker, she had been feeding the poor fluff whose owners had sold their home and moved away without him.

The kind woman would’ve adopted him herself, but since her husband had severe cat allergies, all she could do was offer him temporary residence in her garage. Eventually she contacted the one person she knew could help him. Unable to say no to such an urgent plea, Debbie agreed to help the cat, known as Valentino.

It took Debbie one look to completely fall in love with her new foster furbaby! She posted a photo of Valentino on her Instagram profile, sharing with her followers the joy of meeting such a magnificent ball of white fluff.

As with her other foster felines, Debbie made a vet appointment for Valentino. She wanted to determine his gender, age and check his overall health.

According to another Instagram post, Valentino was such a good boy at the vet’s office. In Debbie’s words, he was very relaxed and quite the gentleman. He greeted everyone, purring his way into the staff’s hearts.

Gender Reveal

Ragdoll Finds Love Again After Being Left Behind By His Family
Ragdoll Finds Love Again After Being Left Behind By His Family. Image by Forsterkittys via Instagram

The vet informed Debbie that Valentino was a 12-pound male Ragdoll cat, around 2 to 3 years old.

Aside from a minor upper respiratory infection (URI), he was generally in good health. His blood test was negative for feline diseases, and he received his rabies vaccination. The vet also clipped off four large matted areas to give him some relief.

In less than a month, Valentino completely recovered from his URI, which made Debbie extremely happy. She wrote on her Instagram:

“What a complete love bug Valentino is. He sure is mellow and friendly, and is definitely living up to the Ragdoll reputation. He is finished with his medication and has fully recovered from his upper respiratory infection. I took him back to my vet for his distemper vaccination, and he got a clean bill of health. So he earned a spa day!”

She also bragged about how well Valentino behaved at the groomer’s. She mentioned how the groomer was completely smitten with him, asking if she could adopt him herself!

Debbie informed the groomer that she already has a long list of potential adopters, but that no decision has been made yet.

Finding A Forever Home

Ragdoll Finds Love Again After Being Left Behind By His Family
Ragdoll Finds Love Again After Being Left Behind By His Family. Image by Forsterkittys via Instagram

Unsure why that was so, Debbie thought that this adorable ball of white fluff might be her new foster fail. For all of you unfamiliar with the term, a foster fail is a cat that a person takes in intending to offer it a temporary home (a.k.a. foster home) but ends up falling in love with and adopting it for good.

That’s exactly how things went for Debbie!

After spending some time with Valentino, she simply couldn’t bear the thought of parting ways with him. So, she decided to shift the narrative from foster to forever and offer Valentino all the love he deserved!

Before adopting Valentino, Debbie already had two foster fails, Jojo and Lil Man.

After the awkward get-to-know stage, the three felines soon found common ground, sorting out all the important issues, like who’s the boss in their home.

The verdict was that Valentino and Lil Man are best friends forever, while Jojo occasionally makes her appearance, supervising the boys and ensuring they’re not causing havoc in the house.

Bottom Line

We’re so happy Valentino managed to find his new forever home. After the heartbreak of being abandoned, he deserved someone special to restore his faith in love and humans. Debbie did an amazing job!

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Audrey Furedi

Sunday 9th of June 2024

I loved this story and am so happy for this cat who now has a loving home with everything he needs! God bless the person who now gives him what he needs and has!! You are a special person and God will always bless you for your kind act!!!