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Rare White Bison Calf Born in Yellowstone National Park

Rare White Bison
Rare White Bison Calf. Image by Erin Bratten via YouTube

The rare birth of a white bison calf in Yellowstone National Park is more than just a natural wonder. For the Lakota people, it fulfills a prophecy of better times ahead. This birth is both a blessing and a warning, urging us to protect the Earth and its animals.

Sightings in Lamar Valley

Rare White Bison
Screenshot from “White Bison Calf.” Source: YouTube, Uploaded: Erin Bratten via KTVQ News

On June 4, a family visiting Yellowstone spotted a white figure among a herd of bison in the Lamar Valley. Curious, they took out their camera and were astonished to see a white bison calf.

First Impressions

Rare White Bison
Screenshot from “White Bison Calf.” Source: YouTube, Uploaded: Erin Bratten via KTVQ News

The family watched the calf and its mother for about 45 minutes, capturing the rare sight on camera. They were amazed by the calf’s unique appearance.

Cultural Significance

Rare White Bison
Screenshot from “White Bison Calf.” Source: YouTube, Uploaded: Erin Bratten via KTVQ News

For the Lakota, the birth of a white bison calf with a black nose, eyes, and hooves is deeply significant. It’s seen as a sign of hope and renewal, akin to a divine appearance.

Lakota Legend

White Bison
Screenshot from “White Bison Calf.” Source: YouTube, Uploaded: Erin Bratten via KTVQ News

According to legend, the White Bison Calf Woman appeared 2,000 years ago during a time of hardship. She taught the Lakota how to pray and promised to return as a white bison calf when times were tough again.

Past Occurrences

White Bison Calf
Screenshot from “White Bison Calf.” Source: YouTube, Uploaded: Erin Bratten via KTVQ News

A similar calf named Miracle was born in Wisconsin in 1994. The new calf in Yellowstone shares the same traits, making it a true white bison.

Naming Ceremony

Rare White Bison
Screenshot from “White Bison Calf.” Source: YouTube, Uploaded: Erin Bratten via KTVQ News

A naming ceremony was held for the calf, but the name has not been revealed. A celebration of its birth is planned for June 26.

Tribal Reverence

Rare White Bison
Screenshot from “White Bison Calf.” Source: YouTube, Uploaded: Erin Bratten via KTVQ News

White bison hold sacred significance for many people. Each group has its own stories about the importance of these rare animals.

Rarity of White Bison

Rare White Bison
Screenshot from “White Bison Calf.” Source: YouTube, Uploaded: Erin Bratten via KTVQ News

White bison are extremely rare. Park officials and the National Bison Association can’t quantify how often they are born.

Conservation Efforts

wood bison
Laura Whitehouse, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

About 80 groups across the U.S. have over 20,000 bison. The number of bison has been growing, with efforts to protect and conserve these animals.

Yellowstone’s Herd Management

Bsion standing in the Wilderness. Image by OndrejProsicky via Depositphotos

Every winter, many bison in Yellowstone are killed or removed to manage the herd size. Yellowstone officials recently proposed increasing the population limit to 6,000.

Opposition from Ranchers

They once roamed in vast herds numbering in the millions across the Great Plains. Image viaJack Dykinga, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Montana ranchers oppose increasing the bison population or transferring them to groups. The state’s governor supports a population cap of 3,000 bison.

Reminder of Respect

Bison Coming Towards the Bus
Screenshot from “Bison Coming Towards the Bus.” Source: YouTube, Uploaded: ViralHog

The birth of the white bison calf reminds us to live respectfully and treat others with kindness. It’s a call to action for better stewardship of the Earth and its creatures.

What Makes a White Bison Special?

Bus surrounded by Bison
Bus Surrounded by Bisons. Image via Chritiane Robinson Via Facebook

White bison are considered sacred and rare, holding deep cultural significance for many Native American people.

How Rare are White Bison?

Adult female American bison and 1 week- and 1 month-old calves at the Prioksko-terrasny biosphere reserve, Russia. Image by oksanavg via Depositphotos

White bison births are extremely rare, and their occurrence is not well-documented.

What Does the Birth of a White Bison Signify?

American Bison.
American Bison. Image by dmbaker via Depositphotos

For the Lakota, it signifies hope, renewal, and a call to protect the Earth and its animals.

Has a White Bison Been Born in Yellowstone Before?

Bison calf following cow
Bison calf following cow. Image via English: NPS/Jim Peaco, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

There is no record of a white bison being born in Yellowstone before this calf.

How Do Locals Celebrate the Birth of a White Bison?

Wood bison (Bison bison athabascae), also known as the mountain bison. Bison calf sucking its mother. Image by wrangel via

Groups hold naming ceremonies and other celebrations to honor the birth of a white bison.