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Real-Life ‘Dr. Dolittle’ From Northampton Rescues Deer Infested By Over 500 Ticks

A before and after picture of the deer infested with over 500 ticks.
A before and after picture of the deer infested with over 500 ticks. Image by WAVY 10 TV via Youtube.

Now, there are animal lovers and there are animal lovers. Gay Frazee is the real kind of animal lover and her life is dedicated to saving and caring for all kinds of animals – including this deer infested with over 500 ticks.

Using Her Life To Serve Sick and Injured Animals

Gay Frazee feeding some of the many animals that she cares for.
Gay Frazee feeding some of the many animals that she cares for. Image by WAVY 10 TV via Youtube.

Gay Frazee, a resident of Jamesville on the Eastern Shore in Northampton County, has dedicated her life to rehabilitating injured and sick animals.

Known as the “Dr. Dolittle of the Eastern Shore,” she began her journey 11 years ago after encountering an eagle in a vet’s office. The injured eagle was in a crate and she asked the animal rehabilitator caring for it how one goes about becoming one.

The Tick-Infested Deer

deer infested with ticks making a full recovery
The adorable deer is well on its way to making a full recovery. Image by WAVY TV 10 via YouTube.

One of Frazee’s notable rescues involved a deer infested with over 500 ticks. With dedication and patience, she removed each tick, ensuring the deer’s recovery. Her meticulous care and attention to detail played a crucial role in the deer’s remarkable improvement. In other words, the deer’s recovery wouldn’t have been possible without her burning passion for animals.

Expert Assistance: A Collaborative Effort

The deer’s recovery was a team effort. Dr. Brad Nadelstein, an animal ophthalmologist, examined the deer and provided medical insights. His expertise ensured that the deer’s eyes were not permanently damaged by the ticks, which had infested the animal’s eyelids and surrounding areas.

This is a great example of how Gay Frazee typically works closely with veterinarians to ensure a full and proper recovery for all her animals. Her love and dedication are supplemented by veterinarians’ expertise.

A New Beginning For the Deer

Snack time for this adorable deer.
Snack time for this adorable deer. Image by WAVY 10 TV via Youtube.

The deer showed significant improvement after Frazee and Dr. Nadelstein’s efforts. Side-by-side photos highlighted the dramatic change, with no visible signs of the previous tick infestation. This success story underscores the importance of wildlife rehabilitation and the positive outcomes it can achieve.

Taking In and Taking Care Of Over 200 Animals Each Year

Frazee runs a non-profit called Wildlife Education and Rehabilitation, or Wildlife ER. In 2020 alone, she took in 200 animals. Her sanctuary is home to a variety of creatures, from black vultures to an African sulcata tortoise that loves watermelon.

Jokingly, Frazee says that “Frazee rhymes with crazy”, and that’s exactly what she has to be to be taking all of these animals on.

Deer Infested By 500 Ticks: Conclusion

YouTube video
“Eastern Shore’s ‘Dr.Doolittle’ saved ticke-infested deer”, Source: YouTube, User: WAVY TV 10

Gay Frazee truly is a real-life Dr.Dolittle, and you’ll have to look long and hard to find someone with more love, dedication, and respect for wildlife than she has. A single person can by no means save the whole world, but this animal rehabilitator is sure doing a lot to make this world a better place.


Saturday 12th of October 2024

You're truly amazing. I wish there were more like you. Please train more people to do what you do to create a better future for creatures who can't speak for themselves. They need protected from their worst predator, man.