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Real-Life Tom and Jerry: Brave Mouse Fights Back Against Cat

mouse fights back against cat
Mouse fights back against cat. Screenshot from Cat vs mouse - who wins?, Source: YouTube, Uploaded: Simon Newport.

In an astonishing real-life Tom and Jerry moment, a brave mouse decided to fight back against a cat, turning the tables on its predator. This captivating encounter, captured on video, reveals surprising details about animal behavior and a potential hidden danger.

Watch the full video here.

Within the Cat’s Clutches

mouse fights back against cat
Mouse fights back against cat. Screenshot from Cat vs mouse – who wins?, Source: YouTube, Uploaded: Simon Newport.

We all know cats like to play with their victims before delivering the final blow. With the mouse only a few inches away, the cat looks relaxed in its lying down position, but still ready to strike at a moment’s notice. Thinking the mouse was secured in its clutches was the cat’s first mistake.

Burst of Bravery

mouse fights back against cat
Mouse fights back against cat. Screenshot from Cat vs mouse – who wins?, Source: YouTube, Uploaded: Simon Newport.

With a sudden burst of energy, the mouse took off to the left, but as soon as the cat reacted, the mouse changed its tactic. Almost as if faking left, the mouse swiftly switched direction, and to the cat’s surprise, sprinted right toward the cat. Now that’s one brave mouse.

Watch the full video here.

Karate Chop Attack

mouse fights back against cat
Mouse fights back against cat. Screenshot from Cat vs mouse – who wins?, Source: YouTube, Uploaded: Simon Newport.

In a series of kung fu moves, the mouse started attacking the cat. First going for a bold slap to the face, the mouse advanced its assault.  With speed and surprise on its side, the mouse hopped from foot to foot, appearing to land a double-leg kick with precision.

Cat Taken Aback

mouse fights back against cat
Mouse fights back against cat. Screenshot from Cat vs mouse – who wins?, Source: YouTube, Uploaded: Simon Newport.

Shocked by the audacity of the mouse, the cat didn’t seem to know how to respond. All the cat could do was take steps back and try to dodge the mouse’s attacks. The mouse pushed the cat back until it was disorientated enough for a getaway.

Sprint to Safety

mouse fights back against cat
Mouse fights back against cat. Screenshot from Cat vs mouse – who wins?, Source: YouTube, Uploaded: Simon Newport.

Before the cat could notice, the mouse was sprinting away. Hopping over the trampoline foot, the mouse ran for cover with the cat hot on its tail. While the mouse seemed to be running for its life, the cat opted for a more casual jog, as if amused the mouse’s fighting spirit.

Game of Cat and Mouse

mouse fights back against cat
Mouse fights back against cat. Screenshot from Cat vs mouse – who wins?, Source: YouTube, Uploaded: Simon Newport.

Within the hedges, the cat and mouse continued its game, out of range of the camera’s lens. Hidden in the thicket, the mouse was out of the cat’s reach. Not ready to give up just yet, the cat began to run backward and forth, in and out of the hedge, trying to thwart the mouse’s escape. 

Watch the full video here.

On the Offence

mouse fights back against cat
Mouse fights back against cat. Screenshot from Cat vs mouse – who wins?, Source: YouTube, Uploaded: Simon Newport.

Just when the cat thought it had captured the mouse once and for all, the mouse began its second assault. Without fear, the mouse went straight for the cat’s front left paw. With the mouse latching on the paw, the cat had to shake it off, flinging the mouse in an acrobatic display.

Tag You’re It

mouse fights back against cat
Mouse fights back against cat. Screenshot from Cat vs mouse – who wins?, Source: YouTube, Uploaded: Simon Newport.

After catching its breath, the mouse went in for yet another attack, aiming for the cat’s paw once again. Almost as if in a game of tag, the cat and mouse danced around one another. The mouse was too quick for the cat to keep up.

Back into the Bushes

mouse fights back against cat
Mouse fights back against cat. Screenshot from Cat vs mouse – who wins?, Source: YouTube, Uploaded: Simon Newport.

With the cat’s back turned toward the bushes, the mouse saw the perfect opening and went for it. Before the cat could get its hands on the mouse, the mouse was sprinting back into the bushes. The cat stalked the mouse into the hedge to continue this game of cat and mouse.

Watch the full video here.

Natural Hunters

cats are natural hunters
Cats are natural hunters. Image by Chandler Cruttenden via Unsplash.

Cats are renowned for their exceptional hunting skills, which are deeply ingrained in their nature. Their sharp claws, keen senses, and agile bodies make them highly effective predators. This cat demonstrated its natural hunting instincts, going instantly for the chase as soon as the mouse started running.

Moment of Bravery

Mouse. Image by Alexas Photos via Pexels

Once the video was shared online, many viewers applauded the mouse for its bravery. In a true David and Goliath story, the mouse went from prey to predator, standing up to its biggest foe in a mighty showdown. The mouse has been likened to the famous cartoon, Jerry, who always gave its cat counterpart, Tom, a run for its money.

Watch the full video here.

A Sign of Infection

Mouse in lab. Image via Depositphotos.

While many deemed the action heroic, the mouse’s supposed courage may actually be a concerning sign of an infection called toxoplasmosis. This parasite causes mice to lose all their fear of predators, including cats. The fact that this mouse attacked the cat not once, but multiple times is a possible sign that this mouse is no longer in control.

Cat-Fighting Zombie

Mouse. Image via Depositphotos.

So how does this parasite turn a mouse into a cat-fighting zombie? Well, once the parasite is injected, it ends up in the intestine of the mouse, invades the immune cells, and takes them over completely. The parasite then moves its way to the mouse’s brain where it takes control and forces the mouse to provoke a predator.

A Trojan Mouse

Mouse. Image via Depositphotos.

By getting the mouse to fight a cat, the parasite basically hands the mouse over to the predator to be eaten. This is all a ploy for the parasite to infect a larger animal. Therefore, the mouse acts as a sort of trojan horse, entering the cat’s stomach with a surprise inside ready to attack.

Bites Off More Than It Can Chew

Cat yawning. Image by Erik van Leusink via Unsplash.

If the cat consumes the infected mouse, the parasite eventually ends up in the cat’s gut. Once in the gut, it starts to reproduce, laying eggs in the cat’s feces. If another animal comes around and ingests the cat’s feces, the parasite spreads even further.

Parasite’s Life Cycle

Mouse. Image by Joshua J Cotten via Unsplash.

The life cycle of toxoplasmosis is complex and involves multiple hosts. The parasite starts in mice and ends up in cats, where it reproduces. This cycle continues as the parasite spreads to new hosts through contact with infected feces.

Watch the full video here.

Humans At Risk

cat with owner
Cat with owner. Image by Sam Lion via Pexels.

It’s been reported that nearly a third of the world’s population has toxoplasmosis. The problem for humans comes in when a cat owner comes into contact with the parasite, often through cleaning the litter box. Most people who have toxoplasmosis don’t show any symptoms but can cause damage to the brain, eyes, and other organs in some people.

The Key is in the Litter Box

cat litter box
Cat in litter box. Image by Nadiye Odabasi via Pexels

To stay safe and avoid infection, it’s vital to keep the litter box clean. You should always use gloves to avoid contact and wash your hands with soap afterward. It’s also important to note that pregnant women should not clean the litter box, as toxoplasmosis can be passed down to the unborn child during pregnancy.

What Can We Learn?

domestic ginger cat
A domestic ginger cat. Image by Michael Sum via Unsplash

While this video provided ample entertainment for viewers and came with a powerful message of bravery, it potentially demonstrated a harrowing display caused by infection. The lesson learned from this video is that when you see a mouse fighting back against your cat, remove your cat from the situation or increase the risk of infection.

Keeping Pets Safe

cat at vet
Cat at the vet. Image by Gustav Fring via Pexels

Pet owners can take steps to protect their animals from infection. Regular vet check-ups, proper hygiene, and controlled outdoor access can reduce the risk. Keeping pets safe from parasites is crucial for their health and well-being.

The Video

mouse fights back against cat
Mouse fights back against cat. Screenshot from Cat vs mouse – who wins?, Source: YouTube, Uploaded: Simon Newport.

Watch the full video here.


cat catches mouse
Cat catches a mouse. Image by rihaij via Pixabay.

This remarkable showdown between cat and mouse not only entertained viewers but also highlighted the intriguing and sometimes alarming aspects of nature. Understanding these interactions can help us better protect our pets and ourselves from potential risks.