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Scientists Discover These Animals Are Smarter Than We Thought

Pigs eating.
Pigs eating. Image by Pascal Debrunner via Unsplash.

Animals are proving to be far more intelligent than we ever imagined! Earlier this year, 40 scientists from top universities around the globe supported the New York Declaration on Animal Consciousness, revealing that more animals might be conscious than we once believed. They found strong scientific evidence supporting consciousness in mammals and birds, with a possible awareness in reptiles, amphibians, fish, and even some invertebrates like cephalopods. This has led scientists to rethink what we know about animal consciousness and intelligence.

Let’s find out which animals in the “smart animals club” are even smarter than we thought and which surprising creatures have joined the club!


Mother and Baby Elephant
Mother and baby elephant. Image by Tobias Adams via Unsplash.

Elephants are known for their big brains and even bigger hearts! Did you know that elephants can recognize themselves in a mirror, demonstrating self-awareness? They also have the remarkable ability to replicate the calls of another elephant. Plus, their impressive memory makes them not only great problem solvers but also skilled at using tools.

Elephants are also special for their deep social bonds and emotional intelligence. They have been observed to mourn their dead, sometimes even burying them. Their strong social bonds and sharp memories make them one of the brightest non-human mammals around.


Dog lying on its back.
Dog lying on its back. Image by Stephen Andrews via Unsplash.

With most dog owners claiming their pets’ high intelligence, they may not be that far off. While a dog’s intelligence does greatly depend on the breed, research has shown that some dogs have the ability to learn the meaning of over 100 words. Dogs are also masters at reading our emotions, even showing signs of jealousy themselves. Having been by man’s side for thousands of years, it’s likely our own intelligence rubbed off on them, securing their spot as man’s best friend. 


Pot-bellied Pig
Pot-bellied Pig. Image via Depositphotos.

Pigs might not get the credit they deserve, but these animals are surprisingly smart. They can use mirrors to find food, and some have even been observed using sticks to build nests! In one fascinating study, a pig learned to play a simple video game using a joystick. As one of the most intelligent animals commonly eaten worldwide, this level of problem-solving and tool use shows that pigs are more than just bacon—they’re brainy too!


Smiley dolphin. Image via Deposiphotos.

Dolphins are basically the Einsteins of the ocean, known for being one of the most intelligent animals underneath humans. Their communication skills are off the charts, using complex sounds that resemble words and sentences, rarely interrupting each other. Dolphins have even been known to help humans during shark attacks! Their brains are huge compared to their body size, which might explain why they’re so smart. In fact, their brain-to-body ratio is second only to humans.


Parrot. Image by Chuttersnap via Unsplash.

Parrots aren’t just about mimicking words—they’ve got the brains to back up their chatter. These colorful birds can solve puzzles that stump 5-year-old children! Recently, some parrots were taught by researchers at Northeastern University, MIT, and the University of Glasgow to use tablets to video chat with other parrots, and guess what? They loved it!

These birds have a social life that rivals ours, and their ability to learn and adapt is truly remarkable. Parrots are proof that intelligence comes in all colors and feathers.


A crow screeching.
A crow screeching. Image via Depositphotos.

Crows are often seen as spooky, but they’re actually brilliant problem-solvers. They can count to 4 out loud, use tools, and even create them. Some crows have been observed crafting sticks to fish out insects from trees. With their large forebrains, crows show a level of reasoning that was once thought to be unique to humans. These black-feathered geniuses are a reminder that intelligence isn’t limited to mammals.


octopus trades cup for shell
Octopus in camouflage. Image by Vlad Tchompalov via Unsplash.

Octopuses are very well known for their intelligence, but they are constantly surprising scientists with their cognitive abilities. These creatures can recognize different humans and even hold grudges, spraying people they dislike with ink! They’ve also been seen covering a lightbulb with their ink to darken their environment. One clever octopus even figured out how to flood an entire aquarium by turning a valve. One of an octopus’ most impressive abilities is its fascinating shapeshifting skills, blending into the background to hide from predators.


bumblebee flying to flower.
Bumblebee flying to flower. Image by Terence Voller via Unsplash.

You might not think of bees as brainy, but there’s actually a lot buzzing up in there in their tiny heads. Not only can bumblebees learn tasks like pulling strings to get rewards, but they even teach other bees to do the same. Bumblebees also have a surprising grasp of numbers and can understand the concept of zero—joining the small club of only humans, parrots, and apes! These little buzzers are proof that size doesn’t determine smarts.


crawfish / crayfish
Crayfish. Image by alex.stemmer via Depositphotos.

Crayfish, often overlooked as just seafood, have more human emotions than you might think. Like us, crayfish exhibit signs of anxiety, which can be eased through anti-anxiety medication. In one study, crayfish were given an anxiety-inducing experience and then treated with anti-anxiety drugs. Amazingly, they responded to the treatment, just like humans would! This finding has scientists rethinking how we view the intelligence and emotional lives of these ancient creatures.

Cleaner Wrasse

Bluestreak cleaner wrasse
Bluestreak cleaner wrasse. Image by Rickard Zerpe, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

The cleaner wrasse might be small, but don’t let its size fool you. Found in coral reefs, this little fish has been shown to pass a test that many animals, including dogs, fail. This is the mirror test which is used to see if an animal can recognize itself. When placed in a fish tank with a mirror, most fish saw the reflection as another animal, but the cleaner wrasse started hanging out with its reflection. They even started showing unusual behaviors, such as swimming upside down, and attempting to rub off a mark from its body after noticing it in the mirror.

As scientists continue to study animal intelligence, it’s becoming clear that we’ve only scratched the surface of what these creatures can do. From giant elephants in the wild to minuscule fish in the sea, animals are proving to be smarter and more emotionally complex than we ever imagined. It’s a reminder that intelligence comes in many forms, and the more we learn, the more we realize how much we share with the animal kingdom!

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