In the wild, bizarre things happen, but it’s not every day that you hear about a seal finding itself caught in the mouth of a Humpback whale! Yet, that happened recently in the waters off Anacortes, Washington, and was about to repeat Jonah’s story. If you know, you know! The bewildered seal’s misadventure was captured in a photograph, sparking laughter among whale watchers—definitely not for the seal! making everyone wonder: How did a seal end up in the jaws of one of the ocean’s biggest creatures?
An Unexpected Encounter in the Salish Sea

The stage for this marine mix-up was the Salish Sea, where humpback whales visit during their annual migration. It was during one of these whale-watching tours that a group of spectators witnessed something truly out of the ordinary. Captain Tyler McKeen, leading the Blue Kingdom Whale and Wildlife Tours, had no idea he was about to observe one of the ocean’s strangest encounters.
Seals Aren’t on the Menu
Luckily for the bewildered seal, humpback whales don’t eat mammals. Instead, these ocean giants filter-feed on tiny fish and krill, using their massive mouths to gulp water and sift out food through their baleen plates. So, how did the seal end up in such a precarious situation? Well, it seems the seal was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, and the whale had no idea it had scooped up an extra passenger during its feeding frenzy.
A Whale’s Lunging Feeding Technique
The humpback whale, later identified as “Zillion,” was using a lunging feeding technique, which involves rushing toward a school of fish with its mouth wide open. As the whale surged upward, it inadvertently trapped the seal along with its usual meal of small fish. The whale then surfaced, opening and closing its mouth as if trying to figure out what had just happened. Clearly, seals weren’t part of the plan.
Whale-Watchers Capture the Hilarious Moment

For the whale-watchers on the boat, this was a once-in-a-lifetime sight. The spectators initially thought they were just seeing a normal feeding event. However, when they reviewed the photos and videos they had taken, the shocking—and humorous—reality became clear: the seal had been momentarily engulfed by the whale. The group couldn’t help but laugh, knowing that the seal was unharmed but clearly startled.
A Momentary Detour for “Zillion”
Zillion, the humpback whale, is a regular visitor to these waters, but this encounter surely added an unexpected twist to its feeding routine. Humpbacks are known for their intelligence and complex feeding techniques, but it seems Zillion wasn’t quite prepared for this mishap. The whale’s reaction, surfacing and adjusting its mouth, seemed almost as if it was just as confused as the seal about the whole situation.
A Funny Tale for the Ages
In the end, this seal vs. whale showdown became a lighthearted story that will no doubt be told by whale watchers for years to come. The seal, no worse for wear, swam away from the encounter with quite the tale to tell. As for Zillion, the whale will likely continue its feeding journeys through the Salish Sea—hopefully without any more unexpected guests.
A Happy Ending for the Seal

The best part of this quirky tale? The seal emerged from the ordeal unharmed, continuing its search for fish as if nothing had happened. While it may have had a moment of confusion, the seal’s survival instinct and the fact that humpbacks aren’t predators of seals saved the day. And for those who witnessed the event, it became a reminder of the wonders and surprises the natural world holds.
Nature’s Unexpected Adventures
This unusual event serves as a delightful reminder that nature is full of surprises. Whether it’s a seal hitching a ride in a whale’s mouth or the daily drama of predator and prey, the ocean is a place where anything can happen. And in this case, a moment of confusion turned into an unforgettable spectacle for both the seal and the whale-watchers lucky enough to witness it.
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