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Record-Breaking King Salmon Is Caught

Man holding massive King Salmon. Image screenshot on @tresamigosoutfitters via Instagram

All fishing enthusiasts (as well as sushi lovers) should see this video! A man caught a record-breaking King Salmon from a remote, glacial river system in the Argentine province of Santa Cruz. Tres Amigos Outfitters shared a video in early February which shows angler Fabian Mengo releasing an “absolute beast” of a Chinook. Located in an incredibly scenic and hard-to-reach corner of Patagonia, it’s truly a one-of-a-kind fishery.

Chinook Salmon
Salmon Jumping Dam Issaquah Hatrhery Washington. Salmon swim up the Issaquah creek and are caught in the Hatchery. In the Hatchery, they will be killed for their eggs and sperm, which will be used to create more salmon. Image via Depositphotos.

What is a Chinook Salmon?

Chinook Salmon swimming. Image via Depositphotos.

The Chinook Salmon, more commonly known as a King Salmon, is the largest species of Pacific salmon and is known for its size and strength. They are renowned for their size, strength, and rich flavor.

What Do You Need to Catch Salmon?

People busy catching fish. Image by Frames For Your Heart via Unsplash.

In most places, catch and release practices are encouraged which is required to help preserve fish populations. The three main ways of catching Salmon is by fly fishing, spin fishing, or trolling. A variety of natural baits such as Salmon eggs, anchovies, herring, or prawn can be used. Fabian used a spoon (the fishing term) to catch his giant.

Fabian Catching the Giant

Fabian holding his record-breaking fish. Image screenshot by @tresamigosoutfitters via Instagram

This giant fish was caught using a spoon. In fishing, a spoon is a type of lure that is designed to mimic the movement of a baitfish in the water. The name “spoon” comes from the lure’s shape, which is reminiscent of the bowl of a spoon. Their reflective and wobbling action makes them highly effective for salmon.

Prime Spot for Salmon Fishing

Fabian with the tail of his giant Chinook. Image screenshot on @tresamigosoutfitters via Instagram.

Argentina and Chile are the places where you will find the most Salmon. This big boy was caught in Argentina’s Rio Caterina which flows in the Los Glaciares National Park. Anglers are required to book a fishing trip with the park, and have permits to be allowed to catch the Salmon.

Actual Size of the Giant Salmon

Fabian holding his big catch. Image screenshot on @tresamigosoutfitters via Instagram

This specific salmon measured roughly 46.5 inches in length with a 31.5-inch girth, and the guide who assisted Fabian, estimated its weight around 66 pounds. Despite its size, its not the biggest one that has been caught.

Previous Records of Chinook

Fabian holding his Salmon. Image screenshot on @tresamigosoutfitters via Instagram

One of the biggest fish seen by Tres Amigos was close to 90 pounds that was caught in 2018. That fish measured roughly 53 inches long with a 35-inch girth.

Where do Chinook Salmons Come From?

Salmon Jumping. Image via Depositphotos.

They are native to the North Pacific Ocean and the river systems of western North America and eastern Asia. In recent years, Patagonia has become an unexpected hotspot for these impressive fish. The region’s rivers, particularly those in Chile and Argentina, have seen the introduction and successful establishment of king salmon populations.

What is the Ideal Habitat for a King Salmon?

Chinook Salmon in freshwater. Image via Depositphotos.

Chinook Salmon can be found in fresh or salt water. They thrive in rivers with cold, clean water which includes large, complex river systems with ample gravel beds for spawning. Marine Salmon inhabit coastal and offshore waters, feeding on a variety of fish, squid, and crustaceans.

Are There Regulations with Regards to Catching Salmon?

Chinook jumping in freshwater. Image via Depositphotos.

To ensure sustainable fishing, there are conservation regulations in place, including catch-and-release practices and limits on the number and size of fish that can be kept. Ongoing research and monitoring are conducted to assess the health of the salmon population and the broader ecological impact. Specific seasons are set out to control fishing with specific dates that vary by region and river.

What is the Impact and Significance of Large Salmon?

Salmon jumping in the river. Image via Depositphotos.

The presence of such large salmon has bolstered sport fishing tourism in Patagonia. Anglers from around the world visit the region in hopes of catching these giant fish. Despite the positive influence it has on tourism it also entails some negative aspects for the ecosystem. Overfishing influences the population of salmon and riverine ecosystems. For this reason, fishing seasons are implemented to control the time span of fishing. The national parks also have strict regulations for the anglers which they allow.