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Skateboard-Loving Bulldog Guards His Prized Possession

Skateboard-loving Bulldog
"Bulldog obsessed with his skateboard hates when his parents try to take it away" Source: YouTube, Uploaded: The Dodo

The bulldog’s sole life obsession revolves around skateboarding, and he throws the most significant tantrum whenever the moment to head home arrives!

The Scene

In the world of pets and their quirks, some stories stand out for their sheer uniqueness and charm. One such story is that of a bulldog with an unwavering passion for skateboarding.

It all started when Chowder, the Bulldog, was on a walk on the beach. Chowder caught sight of a child playing on a skimboard, but not for long! Chowder soon replaced the child and was seen skimming across the water.

Bulldog Story

The owners of Chowder decided to get him on an old skateboard, unaware this would be Chowder’s new be-all-end-all. Chowder took to the skateboard naturally and was instantly skating across the driveway on his belly. Chowder would refuse to leave the skateboard when going to bed! Talk about a newfound love.

Kitted Out

Chowder’s parents decided to get him a new and improved skateboard, which would be wide enough to hold his whole body weight. Chowder, with his new skateboard, has never looked back since. This activity is particularly well-suited to bulldogs due to their wide bodies and low center of gravity.

Chowder even refuses to give the skateboard back when it’s home time.

YouTube video
“Bulldog obsessed with his skateboard hates when his parents try to take it away” Source: YouTube, Uploaded: The Dodo
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