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Surprised By A Snake In My Toilet In Bali

Image by Fabiana via Instagram

Bali is a land of surprises. One morning, a snake was found in the toilet. Here’s what happened and what you should know if it happens to you.

The Start of an Ordinary Day

Black Rat Snake Close Up. Image via depositphotos

Waking up in Bali felt like any other day, moving to the bathroom. The toilet lid was down, as it was lifted. There the snake was.

The Shock and Disbelief

Black mamba, Dendroaspis polylepis, is one of the most feared snakes.
Black mamba, Dendroaspis polylepis, is one of the most feared snakes. Image by via Depositphotos

At first, the guy thought his eyes were playing tricks on him. A snake in the toilet? Staring, frozen. He didn’t move. What to do next?

Gathering Thoughts

Image by Fabiana via Instagram

Immediately he closed the toilet lid. He needed to think for a moment. Snakes in Bali seem common, but in the toilet? That’s another story. He needed a plan.

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Seeking Help

Red-Bellied Black Snake
Red-bellied Black Snake. Image via Depositphotos

He decided to call the hotel staff. They’d know what to do. They arrived quickly, calm and composed. It seemed this wasn’t their first snake.

The Removal Process

Brown tree snake. Image via Depositphotos

The staff brought tools and a bag. Carefully, they lifted the lid. The snake stayed still. With expert hands, they coaxed it into the bag.

The Aftermath

Image by Fabiana via Instagram

With the snake gone, he felt relief. The staff assured him it was non-venomous. They explained how snakes sometimes find their way into bathrooms.

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Preventing Future Encounters

eastern brown snake
Eastern brown snake – of the family Elapidae. Image via Depositphotos

The staff gave tips to prevent future snake encounters. Always check before using the bathroom. Keep doors and windows closed. Simple steps can avoid surprises.

Embracing the Unexpected

eastern brown snake
Eastern Brown Snake. Image via Depositphotos

Living in Bali means embracing the unexpected. Snakes, bugs, surprises. It’s part of the experience. You learn to stay calm and handle things as they come.

Moving Forward

A Northern Watersnake (Nerodia sipedon)n. Image via depositphotos.

Life goes on after a snake encounter. He continued enjoying Bali, more aware of his surroundings. Each day brought new adventures and stories to tell.

Wrapping Up

Image by Fabiana via Instagram

In Bali, surprises await at every corner. The snake in the toilet was one of those moments. Stay calm, seek help, and remember, it’s all part of the adventure.

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Are snake encounters common in Bali?

Eastern Diamondback rattler – Crotalus Adamanteus – in strike pose facing camera. Image via depositphotos

Yes, snakes are part of Bali’s wildlife. It’s important to be aware and take precautions, especially in rural areas.

How can you prevent snakes from entering your home?

Eastern Brown Snake. Image via Depositphotos

Keep doors and windows closed, use screens, and regularly check bathrooms and other dark places where snakes might hide.

What is to follow in animal news?

Snake appears while driving down highway in Arizona! Image by Lauren Kay via Youtube

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