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Top 19 Smallest Animals In The US

Pygmy white-toothed shrew
Capture of a portrait of the smallest mammal on earth. Image via Deposit Photos

Join us as we list the top 20 smallest animals on US soil. These tiny creatures may be small but as the saying goes, dynamite comes in small packages!

1. Etruscan shrew

Etruscan shrew
Capture of a portrait of the smallest mammal on earth. Image via Deposit Photos

2. American pygmy shrew

American pygmy shrew
Cute Common shrew (Sorex araneus) on white background. Shrews belong to the most primitive animals on planet earth. All mammals descend from these early insectivores. Image via Deposit photos

3. Least weasel

Least weasel
Least Weasel (Mustela nivalis). Image via Deposit Photos

4. American ermine

American stoat
stoat (Mustela erminea) Swabian Alps. Image via Deposit Photos

5. Smoky shrew

Smoky shrew
A shrew on grass. Image via Deposit Photos

6. Pygmy white-toothed shrew

Pygmy white-toothed shrew
Capture of a portrait of the smallest mammal on earth. Image via Deposit Photos

7. Southern bog lemming

Lemming chilling. Image via Deposit Photos

8. Northern bog lemming

Northern bog lemming hiding under rock. Image via Deposit Photos

9. Masked shrew

smallest mammal in the world
By Lies Van Rompaey on iNaturalist – Photo 5133142 on iNaturalist, CC BY 4.0,

10. Cinereus shrew

Cinereus shrew
The Rare and Elusive European Water Shrew (Neomys fodiens) looking up on sandy background. Image via Deposit Photos

11. Western jumping mouse

Western jumping mouse
Wood mouse cleaning itself in front of a white background. Image via Deposit Photos

12. Southern red-backed vole

Southern red-backed vole
Southern red-backed vole. Image by Carl Barrentine via YouTube

13. Prairie vole

Prairie vole
Prairie vole. Image via Deposit Photos

14. Singing vole

Singing vole
Singing vole. Image by Colin Gerbode via YouTube

15. Tundra vole

Tundra vole
Tundra vole. Image by Jess Steketee via YouTube

16. Montane vole

Montane vole
Montane vole. Image by WILD CRITTERS via YouTube

17. Woodland vole

Woodland vole
Woodland vole. Image by Guandong Chol via YouTube

18. Florida salt marsh vole

Florida salt marsh vole
Florida salt marsh vole. Image by Jun Jiang via YouTube

19. Key Largo woodrat

Key Largo woodrat
Key Largo woodrat. image by animal facts via Deposit Photos

Wrap Up

Long-tailed Weasel Yosemite National Park
Long-tailed Weasel By via Depositphotos

There you have is, Americas top smallest animals! Big or small all animals deserve to live peacefully on this Earth. Let us keep this in mind for generations to come.

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